
  • Suresh Babu Sayana Ph.D Scholar,Department of pharmacology,KIMS Deemed University,KARAD,MAHARASHTRA.
  • Chitra C Khanwelkar 2.Professor & HOD Department of Pharmacology, KIMS Deemed University, Karad, Maharashtra, INDIA.
  • Venkat Rao Nimmagadda . Professor & HOD Department of Pharmacology, V.L College of Pharmacy, Raichur, Karnataka,INDIA.
  • Vasant R Chavan . Professor & HOD Department of Pharmacology, Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka,INDIA.




To evaluate the antiurolithic activity of aqueous extract of roots of Cissampelos pareira (AQERCP) in 2% Ammonium chloride (AC) and 0.75% Ethylene glycol (EG) induced urolithiasis in albino rats. 

Methods :  

Urolithiasis was induced in rats by supplying drinking water mixed with 2 % (AC) and 0.75 % (EG) for 10 days. Calculi were confirmed by the high urinary levels of calcium, uric acid and low levels of magnesium and high levels of serum creatinine and calcium. The animals were treated with 03 doses of AQERCP i.e., 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg respectively orally in different groups of rats once daily for 10 days along with 2 % (AC) and 0.75% (EG) mixed drinking water. On 11th day 3 rats from each group were kept in one metabolic cage and urine (pooled) collected for 24 h was subjected for estimation of various biochemical parameters. Blood was collected on the same day and analysed for various parameters. Kidneys were observed for the histopathological changes.

Results: Rats treated with 03 doses of AQERCP significantly (P≤ 0.05) reduced urinary calcium, uric acid and increased urinary magnesium levels, reduced serum calcium, creatinine and increased serum magnesium. Histopathology of kidneys in groups treated with AQERCP at 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg doses revealed less tissue damage and the cytology of nephrotic tissue was almost similar to the control Group I rats.

Conclusion :

              Results showed AQERCP has shown significant antiurolithic effect against chemical induced urolithiasis in rats.

Keywords :  C.pareira,  Roots extracts, Antiurolithic activity, Ammonium chloride, Ethylene glycol .



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Author Biographies

Suresh Babu Sayana, Ph.D Scholar,Department of pharmacology,KIMS Deemed University,KARAD,MAHARASHTRA.

Ph.D Scholar in Pharmacology,


Chitra C Khanwelkar, 2.Professor & HOD Department of Pharmacology, KIMS Deemed University, Karad, Maharashtra, INDIA.

2.Professor & HOD
Department of Pharmacology,
KIMS Deemed University,

Venkat Rao Nimmagadda, . Professor & HOD Department of Pharmacology, V.L College of Pharmacy, Raichur, Karnataka,INDIA.

. Professor & HOD

          Department of Pharmacology,

          V.L College of Pharmacy,



Vasant R Chavan, . Professor & HOD Department of Pharmacology, Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka,INDIA.

. Professor & HOD

          Department of Pharmacology,

          Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences,





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How to Cite

Sayana, S. B., C. C. Khanwelkar, V. R. Nimmagadda, and V. R. Chavan. “ANTIUROLITHIC ACTIVITY OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF ROOTS OF CISSAMPELOS PAREIRA IN ALBINO RATS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 7, no. 3, July 2014, pp. 49-53,



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