
  • Sunitha Dontha Assistant Professor,Malla Reddy College of Pharmacy.




To provide an outlook of the various available methods of antioxidant activity. Various available in vitro and in vivo methods are listed and the
procedure to perform the method, its mechanism is also explained in brief. 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl method was found to be used mostly for the
in vitro antioxidant activity evaluation purpose while lipid peroxidation was found as mostly used in vivo antioxidant assay. An ethanol was with the
highest frequency as a solvent for extraction purpose. Summarized information on the various methods available provides with reliable information
to confirm the benefits of antioxidant effects.
Keywords: Antioxidant activity, Reactive oxygen species, Free radical, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, Flavonoid.


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Author Biography

Sunitha Dontha, Assistant Professor,Malla Reddy College of Pharmacy.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry



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How to Cite

Sunitha Dontha. “A REVIEW ON ANTIOXIDANT METHODS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 8, Oct. 2016, pp. 14-32, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2016.v9s2.13092.



Review Article(s)