
  • Saroj Sapkota
  • Ebenezer William


Objective: Enzyme amylase in humans is a digestive enzyme that acts to cleave starch into smaller carbohydrates. The iso-enzymes of amylase are
salivary (S) type and pancreatic (P) type with different characteristics properties. Hyperamylasemia is a condition with increased total serum amylase
activity. It is often difficult to interpret the actual defective source with a total serum amylase activity. Therefore, this study of iso-amylase patterns by
electrophoretic technique aids in recognizing the correct source of origin of the enzyme amylase.
Methods: A total of 80 subjects aged ranges from 20-60 years were recruited from SRM Medical College Hospital and Research center, Tamil
Nadu. The subjects included were subdivided as Group 1 of 20 acute pancreatitis, Group 2 of 20 diabetes mellitus, Group 3 of 20 cholecystitis and
Group 4 of 20 normal healthy subjects. Serum samples were obtained and analyzed in autoanalyzer and subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis for
electrophoretic separation of isoamylase bands.
Results: Total serum amylase activity was measured. Electrophoretic iso-enzyme patterns of serum amylase of normal healthy person showed a narrow
band of S-type toward the anode, followed by the P-type from the point of application. Electrophoresis of sera of pancreatitis showed only a single
prominent P-type band, cholecystitis sera showed a thin S-type with P-type band and diabetic sera had a broad S-type and thin P-type isoamylase bands.
Conclusion: Agarose gel electrophoresis is a simple technique and can be run with minimal efforts. The isoamylase band patterns observed differentiates
the source of origin of serum amylase. Thereby aids the physicians to take the next right leading step and decide necessary further investigations.

Keywords: Isoamylase, Hyperamylasemia, Agarose gel electrophoresis.


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How to Cite

KA, A. S. ., S. Sapkota, and E. William. “ISO-AMYLASE ELECTROPHORETIC PATTERNS IN HYPERAMYLASEMIC CONDITIONS ô€ˆƒ A LEADING FOOTPRINT”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 83-85,



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