
  • SURAWEERA RK Department of Pharmacy,Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,University of Peradeniya
  • PASANSI HGP Department of Pharmacy,Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,University of Peradeniya
  • SAKEENA MHF Department of Pharmacy,Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,University of Peradeniya



Objective: The aim was to analyze the characterization of the formulations prepared with and without ketoprofen in virgin coconut oil (VCO) based
Methods: The primary emulsions were prepared by magnetic stirring, and the process was continued with high sheer homogenization, aiming
for nanoemulsion. The present study evaluated the characteristic properties of emulsions such as; droplets size, pH, viscosity, creaming index and
microscopic features.
Results: Droplets size falls within the range; 144.9-664.7 nm and pH value was 4.91-5.66. It was noted homogenization process improved the
characteristics of the emulsion, mainly droplets size and viscosity. Further, found the incorporation of ketoprofen affects the droplets size of emulsions
significantly, this could be due to the amphiphilic nature of drug that can affect the core of the surfactants. Characteristic properties of VCO based
emulsions were affected by high shear homogenization and incorporation of drug.
Conclusion: Characteristic properties of 2.5% (w/w) ketoprofen loaded 23.60% VCO: 30.53%, Tween 80®: 45.87% water creamy emulsion is suitable
for topical application.
Keywords: Ketoprofen, Virgin coconut oil, Nanoemulsion.


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Author Biographies

SURAWEERA RK, Department of Pharmacy,Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,University of Peradeniya

Temporary Lecturer,

Department of Pharmacy

SAKEENA MHF, Department of Pharmacy,Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,University of Peradeniya

Senior Lecturer,

Department of Pharmacy


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How to Cite

RK, S. ., P. . HGP, and S. . MHF. “ASSESSING THE CHARACTERIZATIONS OF KETOPROFEN LOADED AND UNLOADED VIRGIN COCONUT OIL (VCO) BASED CREAMY NANOEMULSION”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 275-9,



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