
  • G.P.SINGH University of Rajasthan


During growth, living organisms absorb chemical elements from their environment in ratios as they occur in their tissues. These elements are absorbed as small molecules or as free ions, potentially affecting the relative ionic composition of their medium. To avoid these changes in the medium composition, the elements in culture media should be available in the same ratios as in which they occur in biological material. This paper showed how, by using liquid plant fertilizer as culture media was designed which approximate the average elemental composition of biological material. A preparation of green algae media such as Juller's media (as standard) and different concentration of liquid plant fertilizer (v/2V, v/4V,v/6V and v/8V)  A comparative study was carried to estimate optical density, cell count and dry mass (Growth kinetics) by using spectrophotometer,  hematocytometer (Neubauer, improved) and  dry weight method respectively. Results obtain showed maximum growth kinetics in chlorella vulgaris using liquid plant fertilizer media. 


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Author Biography

G.P.SINGH, University of Rajasthan

Associate Profrosser, Dept of Botany ,

University of Rajasthan


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How to Cite

G.P.SINGH, and N. SIKARWAR. “AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY: USING PLANT FERTILIZER AS A POTENT CULTURE MEDIA FOR CHLORELLA VULGARIS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 7, no. 6, Feb. 2014, pp. 1-3,