
  • M. Venkatesh Prabu Assistant Professor, GRG School of Management Studies


The surfacing of retail market structure has observed a significant change in the recent days in India. Both the evolving demand of customers and the intensified competition among the domestic and foreign companies have created a pressure for the need of innovations in rendering services in the emerging market. Measuring service quality has thus come in a way to examine the areas in which one has to improve and compete successfully. This study evaluates applicability of a widely accepted scale, Retail Service Quality Scale (RSQS) in India. Factor analyses of the component structures indicate good fit of the RSQS dimensions and the items. The present study aims at identifying the factors patterns of supermarkets influencing the buying behaviour.

The study is based upon a response of 200 respondents with convenience sampling. The research data were collected by using questionnaire and validated to the present study. Factor analysis was employed to identify factor loadings. As per factor analysis the loadings were grouped into 6 categories from 24 factors. The study revealed the factor patterns of retail services in Indian retail stores with special reference to Supermarkets and Hypermarkets in Coimbatore City.


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How to Cite

Prabu, M. V., & JUBLEE, D. (2013). A STUDY ON FACTOR PATTERNS OF RETAIL STORES INFLUENCING THE BUYING BEHAVIOUR IN COIMBATORE CITY. Innovare Journal of Business Management, 1(1), 5–8. Retrieved from https://journals.innovareacademics.in/index.php/ijbm/article/view/15


