
  • JAYESH KM RAJGOPAL Gandhi Medical College
  • KAJAL SHILPI Gandhi Medical College
  • SRIVASTAV AK Professor and Head,Department of PharmacologyGandhi Medical College


Pharmacovigilance (Pv) is an important tool for the safety and ensuring that the patients are safe in every aspect of the drugs being taken in any form. India as a growing part in pharmacovigilance and their activities is still in its nascent stage, there is a lot to be done in the field of Pharmacovigilance, in ensuring that the safe implementation of the activities. There is still a major part that goes underreporting in India. It has been reported that the number of patients dying because of contrary effects of drugs per year increased upto 2.6-fold. Moreover, rates of hospitalization of patients are increasing owing to adverse effects of drugs, and it becomes a challenge to find out the exact drugs causing the ADR's when a patient in treated with multiple drugs simultaneously. In the review we will explore the different types of assessment scale to do the ADR assessment and to find its causative agents.

Key Words- Pharmacovigilance, Adverse Drug Reactions.

Author Biographies

JAYESH KM RAJGOPAL, Gandhi Medical College

Post Graduate Student- II nd Year

Gandhi Medical College,Bhopal

KAJAL SHILPI, Gandhi Medical College

Post Graduate Student-II nd Year

Gandhi Medical College,Bhopal


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How to Cite

RAJGOPAL, J. K., SHILPI, K., & AK, S. (2016). PHARMACOVIGILANCE: A REVIEW ARTICLE. Innovare Journal of Medical Sciences, 4(4), 6–7. Retrieved from



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