
  • Rajesh Kumar Suman Department of pharmacology
  • Ipseeta Mohanty Ray Department of pharmacology
  • N. C. Mohanty Department of pediatrics
  • Rakesh Kumar Mukhia MGM Institute of Health Sciences, Sec-01, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai 410209
  • Y. A. Deshmukh Department of pharmacology


Antibiotic prescribing patterns, Antibiotic sensitivity pattern, Pediatrics


Objective: The present study evaluated the pattern of antibiotic usage and sensitivity pattern among children with fever.

Methods: Questionnaires was specifically designed factoring patients' demographical profile, illness history, prescription regimen, antibiotic sensitivity report.

Results: A total 157 prescriptions (80% OPD and 20% IPD) of children who visited Pediatric department complaining of fever were analyzed. Maximum children were of the age group between 2 – 3 yr (41%) with male/ female ratio of 1.54. Of total 157 patients, etiology of fever was diagnosed as Viral fever (60.15%), Fever with diarrhea(5%), Fever with seizure(3%) and Bacterial fever(31.8%). Average number of drugs per prescription was 3.27. Most common antibiotic used were Cefixime (42%), Cefotaxime (38%), Ceftriaxone (8%) and Amoxicillin (12%) among total antibiotic prescribed. Most commonly encountered drugs other than antibiotic prescribed were antipyretic: paracetamol syp (95%), Nasal decongestant: phenylephrine (70%), antihistaminic: Levocetrizine (65%), Multivitamin (60%), Zinc (20%) and ORS (20%) of prescription. Most widely prescribed antibiotic was Cefixime followed by cefotaxime. All the drugs were prescribed by brand names. positive Antibiotic sensitivity report was available for only 50 patients. Gram positive microbes like Staphylococcus species was isolated in 26 % cases and Streptococcus species in 6 % cases. These gram positive microbes were 100% sensitive to Cefotaxime, tetracycline, linezolid, Ampicillin etc. The gram negative microbes isolated were E. coli (5 %), Acenatobacter species (30 %), salmonella typhi (12%), and Klebsiella sp( 21%). All of them were sensitive to Cefotaxime, Pefloxacin, Ofloxacin, Cefuroxime, etc.

Conclusion: Antibiotic sensitivity of blood culture studies demonstrated that both gram positive and gram negative bacteria showed maximum sensitivity to Cefotaxime. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic encountered in the present study was Cefixime followed by Cefotaxime.


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How to Cite

Suman, R. K., I. M. Ray, N. C. Mohanty, R. K. Mukhia, and Y. A. Deshmukh. “ASSESSMENT OF USAGE OF ANTIBIOTIC AND THEIR PATTERN OF ANTIBIOTIC SENSITIVITY TEST AMONG CHILDHOOD FEVER”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 7, July 2014, pp. 296-9,



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