
  • Mounika Somepalli Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Keerthy Vinukonda Acharya Nagarjuna University
  • Ramadasu Panugandla Acharya Nagarjuna University
  • Sanakayala B. Uday Shankar Government General Hospital, Guntur
  • Ch. Chaitanya Lakshmi Acharya Nagarjuna University


Prevalence, Diabetes, Complications, Clinical pharmacist, Questionnaire, Outcome


Objective: The main objective is to study the prevalence of acute cardiac and renal complications in poorly controlled diabetics and role of clinical pharmacist in modifying disease outcome by patient counselling in patients attending general medicine department.

Methods: It is a non-experimental prospective observational study done for 6 months. Patients admitted with acute cardiac and renal complications are included in the study. Patient's knowledge on the disease was assessed at baseline using a structured KAP questionnaire and then counselled. At baseline and follow-up FBG and RBG levels were recorded.

Results: A total of 511 patients were observed. Prevalence of acute renal complications was found to be 9.7% (n=50) and acute cardiac complications were found to be 2.9% (n=15). The prevalence of both acute cardiac and renal complications was found to be 0.97% (n=5). The knowledge of the patients on disease, complications, diet and lifestyle modifications was found to be increased which lead to significant improvement in FBG at baseline and follow-up with a mean of differences of-20.72 and with SD of differences 11.22; p value<0.0001 and for RBG at baseline and follow-up with mean of differences-25.86 and with SD of differences 20.19; p value<0.0001.

Conclusion: Uncontrolled diabetes for the first few years can cause acute cardiac and renal complications which are life threatening. Comparison of blood glucose at presenting and follow-up in association with education and counselling led to betterment of disease, outcome.



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Author Biography

Mounika Somepalli, Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Pharm-D final year student


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How to Cite

Somepalli, M., K. Vinukonda, R. Panugandla, S. B. U. Shankar, and C. C. Lakshmi. “PREVALENCE OF ACUTE CARDIAC AND RENAL COMPLICATIONS IN POORLY CONTROLLED DIABETICS AND ROLE OF CLINICAL PHARMACIST IN MODIFYING DISEASE OUTCOME IN A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 6, June 2015, pp. 92-96,



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