Determinants of Divorce in Muslim Community in Gondar City Administration


  • Seid Jibril Mohammed UNIVERSITY OF GONDAR
  • Yemataw Wondie Yehualashet UNIVERSITY OF GONDAR


Background: The trend of divorce shows that the situation is getting worse worldwide. This higher rate of divorce has tremendous impacts on psychological, social, economical and spiritual lives of the divorcees, their children, their parents, the communities and the nation at large. Contrary to this fact, there is no well-organized research conducted on determinants and consequences of divorce on the divorcees, particularly among the Muslim couples of Gondar city administration;

 Objective: This research aimed to investigate the causes of divorce among the Muslim couples in Gondar city administration.

Methods: to achieve the research objectives both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed. Quantitative data were collected by using structured questionnaire from 361 respondents who were selected randomly from 16 Jemia†associations proportionally. Binary logistics regression and different types of descriptive statistics were employed to analyze the quantitative data.  In addition, qualitative data by in depth interview and focus group discussion were collected and analyzed in line with the objective of the research and the emerging themes from the data.

Results: financial problem, early marriage, age disparity, family interferences, frequent misunderstanding and conflict, sexual incompatibility and substance abuse are major causes of divorce among the Muslim couples in Gondar city administration. Couples with financial problem have 4.0 odds ratio; early marriage increases the odds of divorce among couples by 3.6 times. For each additional number of years age difference between couples, the odds of divorce will increased by a factor of 1.619. Family interference, and repeated misunderstanding and conflict will increase the probability of divorce by the odds of 2.96, and 2.94 respectively. Moreover, couples with substance abuse and sexual incompatibility had 2.9 and 2.3 odds of divorce respectively.

Conclusion: there are different socio-cultural, economical and psychological causes of divorce among the Muslim couples in Gondar city administration.

 Recommendations: the reduction on the incidence of divorce seeks interventions from religious organizations and marital councilors in addition to couples commitment.


Key Words: Determinants of divorce, Muslim couples & Gondar city administration.


Author Biographies

Seid Jibril Mohammed, UNIVERSITY OF GONDAR


Yemataw Wondie Yehualashet, UNIVERSITY OF GONDAR

Associate proffessor of Clinical Psychology



How to Cite

Mohammed, S. J., & Yehualashet, Y. W. (2016). Determinants of Divorce in Muslim Community in Gondar City Administration. Innovare Journal of Social Sciences, 4(4), 6–11. Retrieved from



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