
  • Maha Z Rizk
  • Azza A Matloub
  • Ghadha I Fouad


Objective: This study aims to evaluate the relation between hypercholesterolemia and aging, beside the role of Ulva fasciata polysaccharides (UFP)
aqueous extracts in lowering cholesterol in aged hypercholesterolemia-induced rats was demonstrated.
Method: A total of 140 male Wister rats weighing 120±10 g, 6-9 months old were used. Hypercholesterolemia was induced in rats by feeding rats
high-fat diet (cholesterol), cholesterol was orally administrated at a dose of (30 mg/0.3 ml olive oil/1 kg animal) 5 times a week for 12 consecutive
weeks, lard fat was mixed with normal diet (1 kg of animal lard was added to 5 kg of normal diet), the occurrence of hypercholesterolemia was
determined by measuring the lipid profile (TC, LDL-C, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol [HDL-C], triglyceride [TG]), the old hypercholesterolemic
(HC) rats were only used.
Results: The antihypercholesterolemic (HC) effects of ulvan, the sulfated polysaccharide extracted from the green alga Ulvafasciata, in aged rats,
were studied. Algal treatment declared a significant reduction in serum total lipid level while, elevation of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol level
was noticed in HC rats. Moreover, the algal treatment significantly decreased serum liver and kidney functions biomarkers and improved the hepatic
antioxidant levels in hyperlipidemic aged rats. In addition, ulvan administration significantly suppressed the expression of tumor necrosis factoralpha,
and cell vascular
and intracellular
the anti-inflammatory
the histopathological
of aorta,
of HC-treated
the Ulva

the amelioration
of hyperlipidemia
in aged rats.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that, in comparison with the standard anti-HC drug (fluvastatin) used in this study, both cold and hot UFP algal
extracts of U. fasciata demonstrated appreciable anti-hypercholesterolemic property, in addition to their antioxidant activity even in the old HC
stressed rats. Thus, it could be used as a natural lipid regulator.
Keywords: Ulvafasciata, Hypercholesterolemia, Polysaccharides, Rats, Sulfated polysaccharides, Aging, Hyper-cholesterolemia.


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How to Cite

Z Rizk, M., H. F. . ALY, A. A. Matloub, and G. I Fouad. “THE ANTI-HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIC EFFECT OF ULVAN POLYSACCHARIDE EXTRACTED FROM THE GREEN ALGA ULVAFASCIATA ON AGED HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIC RATS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 3, May 2016, pp. 165-76,



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