Innovare Journal of Agricultural Sciences
<p>Innovare Journal of Agricultural Sciences is peer-reviewed, bimonthly (Onwards April 2016) open access Journal and publishes research outcomes of the Agricultural Science. Its scope is with special emphasis on <strong>Agricultural economics and agribusiness, agricultural engineering, agronomy, animal science, aquaculture, arid soil research and rehabilitation, biological engineering, including genetic engineering and microbiology, crop science, dairy science, environmental impacts of agriculture and forestry, food science, forestry, freshwater science, horticulture, husbandry, irrigation, water management and drainage engineering; land use, organic farming, fertilizers, pest control, pesticide science, plant breeding, plant science, post harvest biology and technology, seed science, soil science, stored products research, Animal Science, tree fruit production, waste management, water resources management, weed biology etc and all fields related to Agriculture.</strong> The Journal publishes the work either as an Original Article or as a Short Communication along with Review Articles on current topics in the field.</p> <p><strong>Abstracting and Indexing-</strong> OAI, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CNKI (China Knowledege Resource Integrated Database)</a>, LOCKKS, Open J-Gate, Google Scholar, OCLC (World Digital Collection Gateway), UIUC, Crossref, </p>Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltden-USInnovare Journal of Agricultural Sciences2321-6832GENETIC VARIABILITY STUDIES FOR YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENT CHARACTERS IN SAFFLOWER (CARTHAMUS TINCTORIUS L.)
<p>The field experiment was conducted with 40 genotypes of safflower at the Experimental Farm of College of Agriculture, Latur, during Rabi 2020–2021, with the purpose of exploring genetic diversity, heritability, and genetic progress for yield and yield contributing features in safflower. The presence of wide genetic variability in the experimental materials was demonstrated by an analysis of variance involving 40 safflower genotypes for ten quantitative characters, which revealed significant differences for all of the traits under study. Seed yield per plant, number of branches per plant, number of seeds per capitulum, test weight, and number of effective capitulum per plant all had a significant genotypic coefficient of variation and phenotypic coefficient of variation magnitudes. The character seed yield per plant, hull content, plant height, and test weight were similarly linked to the greatest broad sense heritability scores. The number of seeds per capitulum, number of effective capsules per plant, number of branches per plant, oil content, and days to 50% flowering were also associated with high broad sense heritability values. Characters, such as the number of branches per plant, number of effective capitulum per plant, number of seeds per capitulum, test weight, plant height, and seed yield per plant were associated with high heritability values in the broad sense, along with high expected genetic advance, indicating the role of additive genes in governing the inheritance of these traits, which could be improved through simple segregation.</p>MALI B BWADIKAR P BKHANDEBHARAD P R
Copyright (c) 2024 1B. B. MALI*, 1P. B. WADIKAR, 1P. R. KHANDEBHARAD
2025-01-012025-01-011310.22159/ijags.2025v13i1.50712ANALYSIS OF CHLOROPHYLL AND Β-CAROTENE CONTENT OF WINTER VEGETABLES
<p>As a primary pigment of leafy green vegetables, chlorophyll plays a major role in indicating vegetable growth status. Carotenoids are natural fat-soluble pigments that are common in colorful plants. They act as provitamin A and are beneficial for human health, especially for vision. An experiment was conducted to determine the chlorophyll and β-carotene content of winter vegetables. The chlorophyll and β-carotene content of fresh vegetables was determined using the spectrophotometer method. Chlorophyll b content in winter vegetables ranged from 0.07 mg/100 g in beetroot to 29.76 in roselle fruit. It was found that radish leaf (54.91±0.795 mg/100 g) is very rich in total chlorophyll followed by spinach (54.28 mg/100 g), goosefoot (49.97 mg/100 g), roselle leaf (40.38 mg/100 g), and roselle fruit (34.04 mg/100 g) among the studied winter vegetables. The β-carotene content in winter vegetables ranged from 3.07 μg/100 g in beetroot to 1060.13 μg/100 g in radish leaf. This study has shown that radish leaf (1060.13 μg/100 g) is very rich in β-carotene followed by goat weed (964.84 μg/100 g), spinach (887.44 μg/100 g), carrot (630.98 μg/100 g), and goosefoot (563.21 μg/100 g). Cluster II included spinach, radish leaf, and goat weed with high chlorophyll and β-carotene content of winter vegetables. Euclidean distance between cabbage and sorrel was the lowest (16.09) while the largest distance was observed between beetroot and radish leaf (1059.18). A highly significant positive correlation was observed between β-carotene and chlorophylls. Radish leaf, spinach, goosefoot, roselle leaf, and roselle fruit were observed to have a high total chlorophyll content as well as radish leaf, goat weed, spinach, carrot, and goosefoot were observed to have high β-carotene content among the studied winter vegetables. They should be regularly included in the diet for the adequate supply of chlorophyll and β-carotene in the winter season for the protection of our health from diseases.</p>MOHAMMAD ZAHIR ULLAHSADEKUL ISLAMALTAF-UN-NAHARROWNOKE JANNAT JANNY