
  • Meesa Rajendar Assistant Professors in St. John College of Pharmacy
  • Beedha Saraswathi Assistant Professors in St. John College of Pharmacy


Controlled release tablet, Orally controlled drugs, Rate determining step, Controlled drug delivery systems, Fluvoxamine


A controlled drug delivery system is usually designed to deliver the drug at the particular rate. The performance of a drug presented as a controlled-release system depends upon its release from the formulation. Movement within the body during its passage to the site of action. The former depends upon the fabrication of the formulation and the physicochemical properties of the drug while the latter element is dependent upon pharmacokinetics of drug. In comparison to conventional dosage form where the rate-limiting step in drug availability is usually absorption through the biomembrane, the rate-determining step in the availability of a drug from controlled delivery system is the rate of release of drug from the dosage form which is much smaller than the intrinsic absorption rate for the drug. The objective of the development programme was to formulate a robust, stable formulation of Fluvoxamine controlled release tablets 100mg comparable to the reference product Fluvoxin CR 100mg(Luvox) in terms of in-vitro dissolution profile. Matrix tablets were compressed without any problem and do not require any change in ratio of excipients in formulation. Results of the present study demonstrated that hydrophilic polymers could be successfully employed for formulating controlled-release matrix tablet of fluvoxamine. Formulations containing polymer percentage 15% controlled the drug release for 12 h. The combination of drug Fluvoxamine, lubricant [SSF] and glidant[Aerosil] was showed high drug release profile. Wet granulation method was found to be better choice to extend the drug release for 12 h. Film coating of tablet is beneficial for protecting the drug.


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How to Cite

Rajendar, M., and B. Saraswathi. “FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF FLUVOXAMINE CONTROLLED RELEASE TABLETS”. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 47-51,



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