
  • Manoj Gupta Lecturer, Department of Roga and Vikriti Vijnana,Government Ashtang Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Lokmanya Nagar, Indore, Madhyapradesh, India.
  • Ajit Pal Singh Chauhan
  • Babita Sharma
  • Dinesh Singh Gaur
  • S K Das Adhikari
  • Vinod Kumar Singh
  • Subrat Kumar Nayak
  • Nitin Urmaliya


It has been estimated that the global burden of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) for 2010 would be 285 million people (2010) which is projected to increase to 438 million in 2030; a 65 percent increase. Similarly, for India this increase is estimated to be 58percent, from 51 million people in 2010 to 87 million in 2030[1-2]. The impacts of T2DM are considerable: as a lifelong disease, it increases morbidity and mortality and decreases the quality of life [3]. At the same time, the disease and its complications cause a heavy economic burden for diabetic patients themselves, their families and society. A better understanding about the cause of a predisposition of Indians to get T2DM is necessary for future planning of healthcare, policy and delivery in order to ensure that the burdens of disease are addressed [4].This chapter on will focus on type T2DM and will provide a description of prevalence and incidence of T2DM in India; it will describe the health related complications, along with its various risk factors and recommended treatment. It will discuss current management practices and government policies for T2DM in India as well as identify policy and research gaps. Diabetes Morbidity and Mortality in India-Responsible for 109 thousand deaths in 2004 and 1.157 million years of life lost in 2004 [4-5] 2.263 million disability adjusted life years (DALYs) in India during 2004(ICMR 2006) Type 2 diabetes is an ever-growing problem worldwide. Approximately 40percent of the patients with type 2 diabetes will develop diabetic kidney disease. Diabetic nephropathy is a specific form of renal disease. It is a major cause of renal insufficiency and ultimately of death. The present study has been carried out to prove the efficacy of Ayurvedic drugs in the management of diabetic nephropathy, which can be helpful in reducing the need of dialysis and avoiding or delaying renal transplantation. Diabetic nephropathy is a specific form of renal complication of Diabetes Mellitus (DM), a major cause of death and disability among diabetics. It is observed that even the patients having well-controlled diabetes suffer from diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy accounts for approximately 14percent of all deaths in diabetic patients, and some 25percent of those developing diabetes under the age of 30 die from renal failure due to diabetic nephropathy. [6] This is also a major cause of chronic renal failure as it accounts for 20-40percent patients of chronic renal failure. [7] A total of 150 patients of this disease were treated in IPD (Group A) and OPD (Group B) Nandlalpura Hospital and local regional area of lokmanya nagar under the guidance of Dr S.K.Das Adhikari. Ayurvedic formulations including Gokshuradi Guggulu, Bhumyamalaki, Punarnavastak Kwath, Vasa and Shilajatvadi Vati were given to all the patients for 3 months. Group A patients were given special planned food. Results were analyzed statistically using t†test. In group A patients, highly significant reduction was found in the values of serum creatinine, blood urea and urinary excretion of albumin. Marked improvement was found in the patients' general physical well-being, together with reduction in symptoms, in group A patients. This shows the importance of Pathyapathya in Ayurvedic management of the disease. This management may bring some new hope to the patients of diabetic nephropathy, which usually terminates to chronic renal failure and ultimately to death. Further studies are being carried out in this regard. The authors found some encouraging results in the patients of diabetic nephropathy with certain Ayurvedic treatments during clinical practice. These significantly correct albuminuria, which is the cardinal feature of diabetic nephropathy, and improve renal function which is evident by reduction in serum creatinine. In addition, the treatments also improve the general condition of the patient. Further studies are being carried out in this regard


Keywords: Diabetic Nephropathy,



-2. Snehalatha and Ramachnadaran 2009.

-4. Hoskote and Joshi 2008.

-5. Venkataraman et al. 2009

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How to Cite

Gupta, M., Chauhan, A. P. S., Sharma, B., Gaur, D. S., Adhikari, S. K. D., Singh, V. K., Nayak, S. K., & Urmaliya, N. (2013). EFFICACY OF AYURVEDIC DRUGS ON THE 150 PATIENTS OF DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY. Innovare Journal Health Sciences, 1(2), 6–9 File Retracted. Retrieved from https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijhs/article/view/284