Innovare Journal of Education
<p>Innovare Journal of Education (IJOE) is dedicated to publishing good quality work. IJOE is a <strong>peer-reviewed refereed open-access journa</strong>l published bimonthly regularly onwards Jan 2021. The scope of the journal is focused on Education in the following areas of interest:</p> <ul> <li class="show">Pedagogy</li> <li class="show">Educational Philosophy</li> <li class="show">Educational Psychology</li> <li class="show">Value Education</li> <li class="show">Woman Education</li> <li class="show">Population Education</li> <li class="show">Environment Education</li> <li class="show">Formal-Non Formal Education</li> <li class="show">Early Childhood & Special Education</li> <li class="show">Education Technology and Communication</li> <li class="show">Physical Education, Health & Yoga Education</li> <li class="show">Music & Fine Arts (Visual & Performing Arts)</li> <li class="show">Vocational Education (Career Guidance & Counselling etc.)</li> <li>Humanities and other inclusive forms of Education.</li> </ul> <p>Research works are published as research article or as a short communication. Comprehensive reviews, critical reviews, book reviews/essays, and case studies are also considered for publication. Languages of publications are only English & Hindi.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Abstracting and Indexing</strong></span></p> <p>OAI, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CNKI (China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database)</a>, LOCKKS, Open J-Gate, Google Scholar, OCLC (World Digital Collection Gateway), IndexCopernicus*, UIUC</p>Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltden-USInnovare Journal of Education2347-5528Examining the Intersections between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Practices in Higher Education Institutions to Improve Institutional Success
<p>The purpose of this paper is to look into how emotional intelligence (EI) and leadership practices help to improve higher education institutions’ success. The paper explored ways in which emotional intelligence can promote resilience and long-term success in educational settings by looking at how leaders with high EI contribute to institutional success. Furthermore, the paper emphasized how EI can be used to develop long-term leadership strategies that promote the welfare of faculty, students, and the higher education community at large. A crucial aspect of leadership practice is EI, which is the capacity of leaders to recognize how their behavior and feelings impact those around them within the institutions. This study’s results show that emotional intelligence is a crucial and highly relevant prerequisite for academic leadership practice in higher education institutions.</p> <p>Furthermore, the study determined that the emotional intelligence qualities most relevant to academic leadership were those linked to empathy, motivating and directing others, and appropriately handling oneself. Emotional intelligence becomes apparent as a crucial leadership competency, highlighting how crucial it is for leaders to comprehend and control both their own and others’ emotions. Finally, there is a constant emphasis on the symbiotic relationship between leadership and a positive school culture, emphasizing the roles that leaders play in creating cooperative, trustworthy, and ever-improving learning environments. The researcher reviewed the existing literature based on the research questions. This study employs a systematic review approach by reviewing existing qualitative articles on intersections between emotional intelligence and leadership practices in higher education institutions to improve institutional success. Findings were obtained from the reviewed articles by forming themes to make a thorough analysis and draw conclusions. </p>Daniel Kwalipo Mbangula
Copyright (c) 2025 Daniel Kwalipo Mbangula
2025-01-012025-01-011610.22159/ijoe.2025v13i1.52826Environmental Knowledge and Practices Among Students of Valley University of Science and Technology, Bushenyi, Uganda
<p>Continuous environmental degradation has not only led to increased global warming but has also contributed to mortality rates as well as hindering economic progress. Unfortunately, there was a lack of literature on how educational institutions, especially those in Uganda and especially Valley University of Science and Technology, respond to issues of the environment interns of curricular and other general environmental education practices. Hence, this study investigated the knowledge and practices of environmental education among students, specifically those at Valley University of Science and Technology, Bushenyi, Southwestern Uganda. The study was quantitative and employed descriptive methods. A questionnaire on environmental education measured on a five Likert scale (1 = <em>strongly disagree</em>, 2 = <em>disagree</em>, 3 = <em>not sure</em>, 4 = <em>agree</em>, and 5 = <em>strongly agree</em>) was designed and administered online through WhatsApp and feedback was received from 190 respondents. The responses indicated that all students knew what factors lead to environmental degradation (mean of men = 4.21, mean of women = 4.12). It was also found that both students (mean of men = 2.77, mean of women = 2.82) and Valley University of Science and Technology as an institution (mean of men = 4.29, mean of women = 4.24) were environmentally responsive through their curriculum design, use of proper waste management methods, conduction of sensitization programs, and participating in tree planting programs. The level of knowledge and practices towards environmental sustainability among the respondents were found to be independent of students’ gender (<em>p </em> > .05). It was thus recommended that related programs be designed to sensitize all people as they exist in their different communities by putting up posters, conducting talks and performing skits on environmental education. Since the results proved that all the educated are literate about environmental education, legislators and environmentalists can base on them to put in place strict laws and policies against environmental degradation.</p>Mubehamwe JananKanyesigye Stella TeddyNzarirwehi Jackson
Copyright (c) 2025 Mubehamwe Janan, Kanyesigye Stella Teddy, Nzarirwehi Jackson
2025-01-012025-01-0171110.22159/ijoe.2025v13i1.53004Assessing the Impact of Climate-Induced Flooding on Mathematics Achievement Among Secondary Students in Nigeria
<p>Climate change refers to variations in the weather pattern of a place over some time, which may lead to flooding, drought, or wildfire. In the River Niger Basin of the South-South Zone of Nigeria, climate change has resulted in flooding, which led to disruption in communication, commerce, economy, agriculture, and education. It also resulted in an interruption in academic activities in schools and thereafter, the consequential implication on the academic achievement of students which followed. This paper is a report of a causal-comparative or ex-post factor research into the effect of flooding on the achievement of secondary school students in mathematics in Ogba, Egbema, and Ndoni Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. Ten out of twenty-seven secondary schools were randomly sampled for the study. Five hundred students in their Senior Secondary Class Two (SS2) were randomly selected for the study. This comprised 250 boys and 250 girls. Fifty students (25 boys and 25 girls) were randomly selected from each of the ten schools. The students’ examination results used for the study for three terms were collected from the examination result master sheets and their achievement scores in mathematics were extracted and used for the analysis. The findings revealed that there exist significant differences in the achievement in mathematics of the students before, during, and after flooding. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Scheffe’s test and <em>t</em>-test. The result shows that achievement in mathematics was higher before and after flooding than during the flooding. The effect of climate change (flooding) on gender and achievement in mathematics was also studied. It was discovered that the gender gap in mathematics achievement of secondary school students widened during the flooding. This indicated that the effects of climate change on girls are worse than on boys educationally. The use of palliative to mitigate the effect of climate change–flooding, on the achievement of students in mathematics and, most importantly, the achievement of the girl child is recommended.</p>Udobia Elijah EtukudoFoluke Bosede Eze
Copyright (c) 2025
2025-01-012025-01-01121710.22159/ijoe.2025v13i1.53252Relationship Between Senior Secondary School Principals’ Administrative Skills and Teachers’ Job Performance in Adamawa State, Nigeria
<p>This study investigated the relationship between senior secondary school principals’ administrative skills and teachers’ job performance in Adamawa State, Nigeria. Four research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study using 298 school principals and 6,589 teachers as population. A sample of 124 principals and 371 teachers was drawn from three education zones using a multi-stage sampling technique. A correlation research design was adopted for the study. Principals’ administrative skills and teachers’ job performance questionnaire (PASTJPQ) were used for data collection. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was .986 using Cronbach alpha. Mean scores, standard deviations, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient were used to answer the research questions and hypotheses, respectively. The study found the relationship between senior secondary school principals’ administrative skills and teachers’ job performance significant (on the level of personnel administrative skill, financial, administrative skills, and principals’ pedagogical skills efficiency) in Adamawa State. The study concluded that senior secondary school principal’s administrative skills were significantly related to teachers’ job performance in Adamawa State. Based on these findings, the study recommended, among others, that principals should employ more robust supervisory strategies and skills in their supervision of the teaching and learning process to improve the performance of teachers and also set up a functional school base management committee (SBMC)to foster the community-school efforts in the interest of enhancing school effectiveness and improving teachers’ job performance.</p>Kwaji Tizhe TakwateUmaru Hamidu
Copyright (c) 2025