
  • Arun Kashivishwanath Shettar P G Department of Studies in Biotechnology and Microbiology, Karnatak University, Dharwad 580003, Karnataka, India
  • Ankala Basappa Vedamurthy P G Department of Studies in Biotechnology and Microbiology, Karnatak University, Dharwad 580003, Karnataka, India



Hopea ponga, Vitex leucoxylon, Nil, Glucose uptake assay, In vitro antidiabetic activity


Objective: Evaluating antidiabetic property of Hopea ponga and Vitex leucoxylon extracts by using in vitro assays.

Methods: The exhaustive serial extraction was carried out with a series of solvents: chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol, ethanol and water with increasing polarity using Soxhlet apparatus. The concentrated and dried extracts were evaluated for antidiabetic activity by employing standard in vitro techniques (α-amylase and glucose uptake assay using yeast model in which the effects of extracts on α-amylase and glucose uptake was tested by considering the percentage of inhibition of α-amylase and increase in glucose uptake in yeast cells).

Results: In vitro antidiabetic studies show that in case of Hopea ponga methanol extract showed comparable antidiabetic activity with percentage of α-amylase inhibition 51.7925±0.92794 % and with IC50 value 96.53 µg and it was less on comparison with standard i.e. 71.0907±0.67796% with IC50 value 70.33 µg and in case of glucose uptake assay aqueous extract showed higher activity over all remaining extracts with percentage of inhibition 49.8100±0.62476% and with IC50 value 250.95 µg. whereas in case of Vitex leucoxylon aqueous extract exhibited significant activity in both performed assays i. e α-amylase inhibition and glucose uptake assay with percentage 54.6147±0.46397% and 57.1337±0.44201% respectively when compared to other solvent extracts.

Conclusion: Results confirm that aqueous extract of Vitex leucoxylon exhibited highest antidiabetic activity among all extracts. Additional studies are needed for purification, characterization and structural elucidation of bioactive compounds from aqueous extract and also confirm its antidiabetic property by in vivo studies. The present study provides scientific evidence that the leaves of Hopea ponga and Vitex leucoxylon possess anti-diabetic efficacy. Thus, considering its relative antidiabetic potency, these extracts are the useful therapeutic agents for treating and management of diabetes.


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How to Cite

Shettar, A. K., and A. B. Vedamurthy. “STUDIES ON IN VITRO ANTIDIABETIC ACTIVITIES OF HOPEA PONGA AND VITEX LEUCOXYLON”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 2017, pp. 263-7, doi:10.22159/ijpps.2017v9i2.16280.



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