
  • P. K. Pankaj Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
  • D. B. V. Ramana Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
  • Ch. Srinivasa Rao Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
  • K. Ravikanth Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
  • Rita Rani Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
  • M. Nikhila Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
  • Adarsh Chaudhary Clinical Research, Ayurvet Limited, Baddi


Plasma cortisol, Methane estimation, Carcass quality traits, Herbal formulation


Objective: A trial was conducted to study the efficacy of herbal formulation Ruchamax (M/S Ayurvet Limited, India) on digestibility and nutrient utilization in Deccani sheep.

Methods: 12 growing healthy Deccani sheep (5-6 months) were randomly divided into 2 groups. Control Group I (T0) was not given any treatment. Group II (T­1) supplemented with Ruchamax (appetite stimulant and digestive tonic). The test herbal formulation was mixed in the concentrate feed as per the recommendations. Parameters like body weight, plasma cortisol level, blood enzyme estimation, feed analysis, nitrogen balance, methane estimation and carcass quality traits were studied.

Results: Statistically (P<0.05) Ruchamax supplemented group had significantly superior average daily gain (g) than that of control. DMI, Dry matter digestibility and FCR of Ruchamax supplemented group were significantly (P<0.05) improved. The maximum nitrogen balance was obtained in Ruchamax supplemented group T1. Significantly (P<0.05) lower level of cortisol in Ruchamax supplemented animals confirmed the increased resilience of animal towards stress. The Ruchamax supplemented group T1 emitted significantly less methane as compared to control group T0. Animals belonging to Ruchamax supplemented group T1 had significantly higher dressing % as compared to control group T0. The enzymatic values in both groups were under normal physiological level.

Conclusion: The herbal appetite stimulant and digestive tonic Ruchamax was found to be safe for usage and efficient to improve digestibility, nutrient utility, performance traits in sheep alongwith added benefit of its methane mitigating potential.



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How to Cite

Pankaj, P. K., D. B. V. Ramana, C. S. Rao, K. Ravikanth, R. Rani, M. Nikhila, and A. Chaudhary. “AN ORAL FEED STRATEGY IN SHEEP FOR IMPROVED DIGESTIBILITY, NUTRIENT UTILIZATION AND METHANE MITIGATION”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. 2015, pp. 91-94,



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