
  • Urvi Gupta Department of Botany, University School of Sciences, Gujarat, University, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009. Gujarat, India
  • Hitesh Solanki Department of Botany, University School of Sciences, Gujarat, University, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009. Gujarat, India


Fruit waste, Primary metabolites, Ash


Objective: Fruit peel and seeds are generally considered as waste and it creates a trouble in waste management. Economic value and use of the plant partially dependent on the quantitative and qualitative aspects of their organic reserves like sugar, starch, protein etc. The purity of material is associated with the ash analysis. The present study was aimed to analyze selected fruit waste for their ash content and primary metabolites.

Methods: Selected fruit waste was collected, cleaned, dried and powdered. This powdered material was used for analysis. Total ash value, water soluble ash value, and acid insoluble ash were analyzed. Methods proposed by Nelson for total and reducing sugar, Chinoy for starch and Bradford for protein were adopted for estimation of primary metabolites.

Results: Highest content of total ash was recorded 12.73±0.1% in watermelon peel (WMP), acid insoluble ash 0.94±0.05% in cucumber peel (CC) and water soluble ash was highest in WMP i.e. 11.44±0.05%. Pomegranate peel (PGP) recorded the maximum amount of total and reducing sugar 44.35±0.20 mg/gdw and 45.68±0.04 mg/gdw respectively. Mango seeds were recorded for highest starch content i.e. 21.86±5.45 mg/gdw. Watermelon peel (WMP) showed the highest protein content i.e. 32.35±0.66 mg/gdw in comparison with other fruit waste materials.

Conclusion: The outcome of this study might prove important in reducing waste and also in industries fruit waste can be utilized as raw materials having commercial importance. Secondary metabolites or bioactive compounds can be synthesized by using these primary metabolites. Obtained findings can lead to a great interest in fruit waste pharmaceuticals.



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How to Cite

Gupta, U., and H. Solanki. “QUANTIFICATION OF ASH AND SELECTED PRIMARY METABOLITES FROM NON-EDIBLE PARTS OF SEVERAL FRUITS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 12, Dec. 2015, pp. 288-90, https://journals.innovareacademics.in/index.php/ijpps/article/view/8395.



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