Innovare Academic Sciences

Harmful Effects of Cold Drinks Part 1 and 2

Harmful effects of cold drinks

Cold drinks are one of the most popular beverages across the globe. Cold drinks are an integral part of our life now. Cold drinks make you addicted just like alcohol and cigarettes. Do you have any idea how much sugar a bottle of cold drink contains? You need to know how harmful cold drinks can be? Can cold drinks cause kidney failure and osteoporosis? Critics compare cold drinks with Toilet Cleaners, is it true. It has various hazardous implication on your health. In this video Dr. Papiya Bigoniya explained truth behind Cold Drinks, and are they really worth drinking?

harmful effects of Cold drinks
harmful effects of Cold drinks

Soft drinks have many health problems. Soft drinks has far more serious health issues are turned into many type of diseases  such as Obesity,  Diabetes, body weight, heart disease, stomach  problem, cancer, liver damage, infertility, bone health, teeth disorders among children and aged persons.

Mainly, soft drink created many problems in today’s children and youngsters lives due to these diseases like, sugar, kidney failures, Metabolism level decreases, Obesity, bone damage and reproduction problems but a recent study showed that these soft drinks affects our brain functions.

Large amounts of sugar, artificial sweetener, and food colors in soft drinks are turned into obesity and increase chances of diabetes. Soft drinks have a higher risk of cancer disease and liver damage problem. Overall, in soft drinks the sugar content is high which a problem towards diabetes is. The biggest issue with soft drinks is that each one includes some type of acid that is bad for our stomach and teeth.

harmful effects of Cold drinks: Calory Chart

Harmful Effects of Cold Drinks On Your Body

More Details for harmful effects of Cold drinks

For more and complete details with data and mechanism and pharmacological understanding of these harmful effects of cold drinks and beverages, please see and

Cold drink: Myth vs Reality; Harmful effects of soft drinks
Cold drink: Harmful effects on your body

Very Interesting: Bad blood sugar in human body? Part 1

Summary- Harmful effects of cold drinks

Disclaimer: This post is for public awareness.

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