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HomeJournals HelpHow to search Journals in Embase in 1 minute?

How to search Journals in Embase in 1 minute?

What is Embase?

Embase is a comprehensive biomedical research database and it provides coverage to the biomedical literature. It is updated daily. The search of journals in Embase is somewhat confusing. Here we have given two methods for the simple solution.

How to access Embase?

To access and search in any database, one should have an account. The account can be made on Embase easily using the option of sign up on the top right of or About Elsevier. After it, you can sign in at Although even after sign-in, very limited options are made available. To get full access, an institutional login is required.

The search of journal/list of journals in Embase?

To search journal/list of journals in Embase, visit

Now there are 2 methods to search any Embase-indexed journal. This will inform you about the journal’s indexing status in Embase.

Method 1

  1. On the top right of the website, click the search indicated in the image below.
  2. Now enter your search term in the space given to search.
  3. After your search, results will be displayed.
  4. But you are not able to see the satisfactory results of the search.
  5.  You are unable to know that the searched item/journal is indexed in the Embase.

Now, how to confirm? Follow the second method, which is simple and accurate.

Read: Expanded Embase or Embase?

Stepwise guide to search journal in Embase

Method 2

  1. To search journals in Embase, visit

2. Scroll down on the page and click on Download a list of journals currently covered in Embase (See screenshot below).

3. Open the downloaded excel file. In this file, you can find the list of those journal which are indexed currently in the Embase.

4. The name of the Journal/title can be searched in the excel file. It provides all the details about the journal and its indexing status.

5. If the journal is indexed, you can see it in the column Indexed at Embase. If it shows Yes, it means the journal is indexed (see screenshot below).

Embase journal list
Embase journal list

Read this also: How to know if any journal is still Scopus indexed in New Calendar Year 2023?

Scopus indexing in new calendrer year
Scopus indexing in new calendrer year

This is the most authentic and straightforward way to know about the indexing of the journal in Embase. Do not follow other websites because this list (excel format) is directly downloaded from the authentic website by you only, so no fraud or deception is possible. Few other sources may be old or fabricated and will not provide authentic information.

What are the informations in Embase Content Coverage Excel sheet?

In this sheet, you will find a list of journals with their current indexing status. It provides the details, including Embase journal title, abbreviated title, ISSN/EISSN of the journal, publisher, country, source type, whether articles are published as Article in Press, indexed at Emabse, indexed at Medline, and comments.

Disclaimer: This is an informative and educational post. Information has been taken from authentic and official sources of Embase.

List of Ebmase-indexed Journals 2023/List of Journals in Embase 2023

The list can be found in the Excel sheet as described previously. Here. I have listed a few best embase indexed journal lists, which Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd publishes.

  1. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
  2. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  3. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics
  4. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research

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