
  • JAGA P. K. JNKVV Jabalpur
  • UPADHYAY V.B Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, J.N. Agricultural University,[JNKVV] College of Agriculture Ganjbasoda, Vidisha MP-464221 India


At global level, India ranks as second largest wheat producing nation and contributing approximately 11.9% to the world wheat production from about 12% of global area (USDA, 2010). The area under wheat throughout the world as well as in India has become nearly constant around 217.9 million ha and 26.9 million ha respectively. Wheat contributes about 30% of total grain production in India (Economic Survey, 2007).Long time studies being carried out at several locations in India indicated that application of all the needy nutrients through chemical fertilizers have deterious effect on soil health leading to unsustainable yields. During 2008-09, India produced a record wheat production of 80.58 million tones. One of the major constraints in boosting up the wheat production is the deterious effect on soil health. Therefore; there is a need to improve nutrient supply system in terms of integrated nutrient management involving the use of chemical fertilizers in conjunction with organic manures coupled with input through biological processes. Balanced fertilizer is the application of essential plant nutrients in light proportion and in optimum quantity for a specific soil crop condition. Continuous imbalanced use of fertilizer led to the deterioration in the soil fertility and decrease in soil productivity. Higher yield at balanced nutrition safe guard soil fertility. Integrated plant nutrient supply system could help in meeting the goals of balanced fertilization. The research findings on various aspects of the integrated nutrient management on wheat are reviewed.           


Author Biography

JAGA P. K., JNKVV Jabalpur

Asstt Prof/ Scientist Deptt of Soil Science & Agril.Chem.



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How to Cite

JAGA P. K., & V.B, U. . (2013). EFFECT OF INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ON WHEAT – A REVIEW. Innovare Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1(1), 1–3. Retrieved from https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijags/article/view/18


