Toxic Effect of Urea on Earthworms Determined by a Simple Paper Contact Method.



Earthworms, Urea, Acute toxicity, LC50 value


Objective- Now-a-days the utilization of chemical fertilizer is hiked tremendously to achieve a high yield. The aim of this experimental research work is to confirm and detect the lethal or toxic effect of those chemical fertilizers on the earthworms which are the natural friend of soil as well as the farmer and also maintains the soil health by porosity and aeration.

Materials and Methods- A simple paper contact method was adopted for the toxicity testing on the earthworms on the bed prepared using Petri plate and filter paper.

Result and Discussion- The lethal dose value was determined and the toxic effect of the urea on earthworm was calculated and represented by using statistical inferences, and a scope of the future study was created for the biochemical profiling towards the body degradation of the earthworms.

Conclusion- From the above results, it may be concluded that the acute toxicity of urea on E.fetida by using a simple paper contact method was actually significant in confirming the toxic impending. The application of environmentally levelheaded doses of urea exposed the possible harmful effects on earthworms when comes in contact directly. Thus, in future, this method will be necessary to find an approach to establish the sensitivity of the earthworm's acute toxicity before going for the evaluation in soil (i.e. acute and chronic toxicity tests in artificial soil sample).

Author Biographies

Anshurekha Dash, fakir mohan university

dept of biotechnology

SHUVENDU SHEKHAR MOHAPATRA, fakir mohan university

dept of biotechnology


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How to Cite

Dash, A., & MOHAPATRA, . S. S. (2018). Toxic Effect of Urea on Earthworms Determined by a Simple Paper Contact Method. Innovare Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(1), 17–19. Retrieved from



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