Labor pain, Midwifery, Red ginger, Stress reduction, Warm waterAbstract
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of red ginger and warm water in relieving labor pain at the first stage of the active phase by applying two methods of administration, which were drinking and compressing.
Methods: Two-group pre-test-the post-test design was conducted, and 60 respondents were chosen by using purposive sampling. The respondents were divided into four groups consisting of 15 respondents each. Each group was given a different intervention. The interventions were red ginger tea consumption (group A), warm water consumption (group B), red ginger compress (group C), or warm water compress (group D). The data analysis was done by univariate and bivariate analysis through Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney tests.
Results: Based on olaboristical analysis, the Mann Whitney (Z) value was-4.261 and-3.240 with a p-value equal to 0.000 and 0.001 for the drinking and compress method, respectively. This indicated that there was a significantly different effect of red ginger and warm water on the labor pain reduction at the first stage of the active phase. Furthermore, comparing the two methods, the greater Z value of red ginger tea consumption was found in comparison to the Z value of red ginger compress.
Conclusion: Red ginger tea consumption was more effective compared to red ginger compress in reducing the labor pain at the first stage of the active phase.
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