
  • WINTARI TAURINA Departement of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • MOHAMAD ANDRIE Departement of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia



Nanoencapsulation, Chitosan, Sodium tripolyphosphate, Ionic gelation, Red bulb ethanol extract


Objective: The red bulb is an endemic plant of West Kalimantan with high antioxidant activity. However, it is precarious and easily damaged.

Methods: This research aims to formulate red bulb leaf extract into nanoparticles to protect it from degradation. The polymer used is chitosan with Na-TPP as a cross-linker. The study aims to determine the concentration of chitosan that can form red bulb leaf extract nanoparticles and to characterize the resulting particles. The nanoparticles were prepared using the ionic gelation method by mixing Na-TPP, extract, and chitosan (1:1:6) with a magnetic stirrer at 1500 rpm for 5 h. The nanoencapsulation of the ethanol extract of red bulb was evaluated for characteristics including particle size distribution, polydispersity index, zeta potential, particle morphology, and entrapment efficiency.

Results: The nanoparticle formulations were characterized, yielding particle sizes for F1, F2, and F3 of 265.1 nm, 271.7 nm, and 299.8 nm, respectively, with polydispersity index values of 0.177, 0.208, and 0.194, respectively. The zeta potential values obtained in this study for F1, F2, and F3 were 1.10 mV, 0.43 mV, and 0.31 mV, respectively. The percentage inhibition of the free nanoparticle extract for F1, F2, and F3 was 22.328%, 17.853%, and 15.768%, respectively. The % inhibition value of the free extract against DPPH from the research results was 22.328±0.794% for formula 1, 17.853±1.048% for formula 2, and 15.768±0.780% for formula 3. The formulation that produced the best characterization results was F3, with a particle size of 299.8 nm, a polydispersity index of 0.194, and a zeta potential of 0.31 mV, although the particle morphology was less spherical.

Conclusion: The formulation that produced the best characterization results was F3, with a particle size of 299.8 nm, a polydispersity index of 0.194, and a zeta potential of 0.31 mV, although the particle morphology was less spherical. The % inhibition value of the free extract against DPPH from the research results was 15.768±0.780% for formula 3.


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