
  • Bhawana Keshwani Jaipur College of Pharmacy, ISI-15 Institutional area, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302022
  • Manish Jaimini Jaipur College of Pharmacy, ISI-15 InstitutionalArea, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302022
  • Divyanshu Sharma Rajiv Academy for Pharmacy, Mathura, Delhi- Mathura Highway, Chhattikara, U. P., 281006


Spherical crystallization, Spherical agglomeration, Direct compression, Flowability, Compressibility


Now-a-days direct tabletting technique is gaining more importance in Pharmaceutical manufacturing because it save money and time for tabletting but Good flowability and compressibility is prerequisite for drug to be prepared by direct compression. There are several techniques available to impart desired compressibility to drug, but the Spherical crystallization technique is the most promising one in which the drug crystals are modified using different solvents to directly compressible spherical agglomerates. Spherical agglomeration is particle engineering technique which involves the transformation of fine crystals into spherical shape which in turn enhances the powder properties such as particle size, shape, flow properties, solubility and bioavailability of pharmaceutical drug substances. The spherical crystallization further developed use with hydrophilic polymers to enhance dissolution rate characteristics of poorly water soluble drugs and can also be applied to sustain the drug release from solid dosage forms. The present review aims at the detailed comprehensive study about the technique, advantages and disadvantages, mechanism, different manufacturing methods of spherical agglomerates and characterization of spherical agglomerates.


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How to Cite

Keshwani, B., M. Jaimini, and D. Sharma. “SPHERICAL CRYSTALLISATION: A REVOLUTION IN THE FIELD OF PARTICLE ENGINEERING”. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 7, no. 4, Oct. 2015, pp. 19-25, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijcpr/article/view/9088.



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