
  • RAHUL SEN hiii


Abstract— Fiber reinforced composites are finding increasing applications in the aerospace, marine, transportation, electrical, chemical, construction and consumer goods industries. In some of these applications the composites are subjected to dynamic loads. The composite structures may sometimes be provided with different types of holes for the purpose of assembling the components and units inside the structure, for passing the cables and control mechanisms, for inspection, maintenance and attachment to other units. The effects of the variations of behavior for different shape of holes by maintaining same length/height ratio and hole area ratio are studied. Scope of this paper is to find out the best location of the holes. The ANSYS software is used for analyzing the plates under different boundary conditions and different orientation of laminate. Eight-noded Shell99 is used throughout the analysis which is a linear element. Different boundary conditions are considered for CFFF-(clamped free free free) and conditions and length to height ratio considered are 50 and 200.The hole area ratio is maintained as constant throughout the analysis as 0.04.Two different layers of laminate is considered those are 4 no's and having six different orientations each. The influence of the thickness parameter is inherent at higher modes of vibration. In this report we study the dynamic behavior of various laminates with different holes.

Author Biography


civil department at university institue of technology bhopal

MTech scholor



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How to Cite

RAHUL SEN, S.K.KUSHWAHA, & AHMAD ALI KHAN. (2015). DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF LAMINATED COMPOSITE PLATE WITH HOLE. Innovare Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(1), 13–15. Retrieved from https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijet/article/view/6499