
  • Nitin Hunka University institute of technology, RGPV Bhopal


In past era of time, a wide range of researches and study works have been made and concluded by various researchers/ authors in the development of techniques for the identification of cracks (structures). It is verified by the various studies that the dynamic behavior of any structure changes causes presence of any defects such as cracks in a body of structure. Therefore, it is vital to identify the defects in structures and its components; which is generally called crack and analyze them. The present work conducted to review analytical as well as experimental investigation/studies conducted by the researchers for the identification of cracks in an aluminum cantilever beam with rectangular cross section. The main purpose of this review is to examine and to verify the extent of harm to the beam (structure) with the critical location of the crack in a cantilever beam.


J. Lee, Identification of a crack in a beam by the boundary element methodâ€, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 24 (3), pp. 801-804, 2010.

Akhilesh Kumar, J.N. Mahato experimental investigation of cracks in aluminium cantilever beam using Vibration monitoring techniqueâ€. ISSN: 2320-2491, Vol. 3, No. 3, June-July 2014

A. A.V.Deokar, B. V.D.Wakchaure Experimental Investigation of Crack detection in Cantilever Beam Using Natural Frequency as Basic Criterionâ€.

Qwolabi, Swamidas and Seshadri Crack detection in beams using changes in frequencies and amplitude of frequency response functions†Journal of Sound and Vibration 265 (2003) 1–22

Z.A. Jassim, N.N. Ali b, F. Mustapha, N.A. Abdul Jalil A review on the vibration analysis for a damage occurrence of a cantilever beam Engineering Failure Analysis 31 (2013) 442–461

H. Nahvi_, M. Jabbari Crack detection in beams using experimental modal data and finite element model†International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 47 (2005) 1477–1497

Irshad A Khan, Dayal R Parhi Finite Element Analysis of Double Cracked Beam and its Experimental Validation†Procedia Engineering 51 (2013 ) 703 – 708.

J. K. Sinha, M. I. Friswell and S. Edwards Simplified models for the location of cracks in beam structure using measured vibration dataâ€, Journal of Sound and vibration (2002) 251(1), 13}38.

Jiawei Xiang, Ming Liang , Yumin He Experimental investigation of frequency-based multi-damage detection for beams using support vector regressionâ€, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 131 (2014) 257–268.

Mangesh Dilip Ratolikar, M Chandra Sekhar Reddy, T Ravi Theja, Chintapatla Siddhartha Crack Detection for Various Loading Conditions in Beam Using Hilbert – Huang Transformâ€, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 12, Issue 1 Ver. II (Jan- Feb. 2015), PP 22-29.



How to Cite

Hunka, N. (2015). A REVIEW ON IDENTIFICATION OF CRACKS IN ALUMINIUM CANTILEVER BEAM THROUGH FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS (ANSYS). Innovare Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(1), 19–21. Retrieved from https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijet/article/view/7704



Review Article(s)