
  • S.Priya Lecturer in Psychiatric Nursing,College of Nursing,Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical Sciences Coimbatore India
  • G. K.SELLAKUMAR Department of PsychologyUniversity of GondarGondarEthiopia
  • BEGAM NUZIBA. R 3Associate Professor in Psychiatric NursingCollege of Nursing,Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Coimbatore, India-641044



Introduction: The present study was carried out to explore the effectiveness of light therapy to reduce depression among hospitalized Depressive patient.

Methods: Single subject (N=1) experimental design was utilized. Beck's Depression Rating Scale was administered to ascertain the level of depression. Light therapy was administered for a period of 7 consecutive days. The level of depression was assessed before and after the administration of light therapy.

Results: The data was analyzed with the appropriate statistical technique. The result revealed that there was significant decrease in the level of depression after light therapy.

Conclusions: This finding indicates that the light therapy has influenced in reducing the level of depression. Hence, light therapy can be adopted as effective mechanism to treat depression.


Author Biography

G. K.SELLAKUMAR, Department of PsychologyUniversity of GondarGondarEthiopia

Ph.D in Psychology and 14 years of Teaching experience in teaching and research



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How to Cite

S.Priya, G. K.SELLAKUMAR, & BEGAM NUZIBA. R. (2013). EFFECTIVENESS OF LIGHT THERAPY ON DEPRESSION IN HOSPITALIZED MAJOR DEPRESSIVE PATIENT. Innovare Journal Health Sciences, 1(1), 1–5. Retrieved from https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijhs/article/view/43


