
  • SATTANATHAN G Bharathidasan University


Objective: The study evaluated the effect of Cow Urine Distillate of different breeds on the growth performance and food utilization of Indian major carp Labeo rohita fingerlings.

Methods: Fishes were exposure with different CUD in medium at 0.1% (v/v) as C (Without CUD), T1 (Gir), T2 (Haryana), T3 (Holstein Friesian cross bred) for seven days, a study was conducted. Various growth, food utilization parameters and mortality were examined at 10, 20 and 30 days of post-exposure of CUD.

Results: The results showed that Gir CUD was more effective to compare with Haryana and HF cross bred CUD. The maximum growth rate of 0.0160 mg/day-1 was observed in the Labeo rohita fingerlings treated with Gir CUD treated fingerlings when compared with control. The maximum feeding rate of 0.0039 mg/body wt-1/day-1 was observed in the same group. Survival rate of 90% was observed in the same treated group when compared with 60% survival rate in control.

Conclusion: Our results indicate that growth parameter and food utilization parameter values were increased significantly due to CUD exposure while comparing with control group. In addition, levels of growth rate, Feed Conversion Rate, Percentage increased body weight and Specific growth rate were also increased in the treatment groups.      

Author Biography

SATTANATHAN G, Bharathidasan University

Dept of Zoology


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