
  • BRIJESH G SHIHORA C G Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology,UKA TARSADIA UNIVERSITY,Gopal Vidyanagar, Bardoli Mahua Road,Tarsadi, 394350
  • SHWETA D PATEL C G Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology,UKA TARSADIA UNIVERSITY,Gopal Vidyanagar, Bardoli Mahua Road,Tarsadi, 394350
  • MEONIS A PITHAWALA Assistant Professor C G Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology, Uka Tarsadia University, Gopal Vidyanagar, Bardoli Mahua Road, Tarsadi, 394350, Dist Surat, (Gujarat) India,


Pathogenicity, Immune perspectives, Differential Diagnosis, Therapy


The current review article focuses on “Psoriasis”, a form of over-active wound healing response, relatively common, chronic, inflammatory and hypersensitive disease of unsolved pathogenesis affecting skin and joints in 2-3% of the general population. Psoriasis is a skin disease driven by immune system which starts below the skin's surface and cause severe pain and adverse mental health effects. Genetic susceptibility as well as environmental factors plays an important role in determining the development and prognosis of psoriasis. Natural Killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes that are best known for killing virally infected and cancer cells. However, evidence is emerging to support a role for NK cells in psoriasis. NK cells are found in the inflammatory infiltrate in psoriatic skin lesions. They can produce a range of inflammatory cytokines, many of which are important in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Elucidation of the Immunopathogenesis of psoriasis has led to the discovery of novel biologic agents for the treatment of moderate to-severe plaque psoriasis. There are countless therapies currently in the research pipeline, with mechanisms ranging from receptor antagonism to signal transduction pathway inhibition.

Author Biographies

BRIJESH G SHIHORA, C G Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology,UKA TARSADIA UNIVERSITY,Gopal Vidyanagar, Bardoli Mahua Road,Tarsadi, 394350


SHWETA D PATEL, C G Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology,UKA TARSADIA UNIVERSITY,Gopal Vidyanagar, Bardoli Mahua Road,Tarsadi, 394350


MEONIS A PITHAWALA, Assistant Professor C G Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology, Uka Tarsadia University, Gopal Vidyanagar, Bardoli Mahua Road, Tarsadi, 394350, Dist Surat, (Gujarat) India,



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How to Cite

BRIJESH G SHIHORA, SHWETA D PATEL, & A PITHAWALA, M. (2013). ‘PSORIASIS’ - AN IMMUNE DISEASE IN THE RESEARCH PIPELINE. Innovare Journal of Medical Sciences, 1(1), 1–6. Retrieved from https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijms/article/view/28


