Hypertension, Laughter therapy, Blood pressureAbstract
 Objective: Hypertension is a major non-communicable disease prevailing globally. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of laughter therapy on blood pressure among patients with hypertension at a selected hospital, in Kancheepuram District.
Methods: A quantitative approach of pre-experimental one group pre- and post-test design was chosen for this study. A total of 50 samples were included in the study using purposive sampling technique. Pre-test was done using the structured instrument, and laughter therapy was implemented following which post-test was done for all the study group participants. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analysis.
Results: The distribution of demographic variables depicted that each 17 (34%) study participants were aged from 39-42 to 43-45 years, respectively. On the count of gender, male and female study participants were equal in numbers that is each 25 (50%). The distribution of level of blood pressure in pre- and post-test disclosed that all the 50 (100%) study group participants had Stage I systolic and diastolic hypertension in the pre- test whereas in post-test 45 (90%), had pre-hypertension systolic and diastolic, only 5 (10%) had Stage I systolic and diastolic hypertension. There was a statistically significant difference between pre- and post-test systolic and diastolic blood pressure within study group participants at level p<0.001.
Conclusion: This study findings implied that laughter therapy was effective to sustain the blood pressure within the optimal level among patients with hypertension.
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