Advanced glycation end products, Exogenous advanced glycation end products, Tobacco, CarcinogenesisAbstract
Objective: Glycation is the chemical reaction involving the modification of proteins and amino acids in the presence of reducing sugars, and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are heterogeneous compounds whose accumulation is implicated as the pathogenesis in various chronic diseases.
Method: A narrative review of all the articles known to the authors was conducted.
Results: Tobacco and diet are the two major sources of exogenous AGE and the foremost characteristic of the glycotoxins, formed from tobacco curing reaction, is their high reactivity and innate ability to cross the cell membrane and bind with serum proteins and formation of adducts with amino acids of nucleic acids. Binding of AGEs to their receptor for AGE activates mechanisms which favor production of reactive oxidative species and proinflammatory cytokines. AGEs are also implicated as key players in cell survival, proliferation, invasion, and metastasis of tumor cells and also significantly contribute to genotoxicity. Salivary estimation of AGEs is a promising exposition to monitor the prognosis of oral pre-cancers and cancer.
Conclusion: This review aims in eliciting the role of AGEs in pathogenesis of oral cancer and its possible development as a biomarker to monitor the initiation and progression of cancer.
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