
  • Thilip Kumar G SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Center, Srm University. Potheri, TamilNadu, India-603203
  • Prabhavathi K
  • Karthick N
  • Poornima Kn
  • Saravanan A



 Background and Objectives: Pre-hypertension is associated with increased progression to hypertension and cardiovascular risk. The objective of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of pre-hypertension and hypertension, as well as the associated factors among Ist year medical students who are from a similar socioeconomic status, dietary habits and lifestyle.

Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted among 137 Ist year medical students using digital blood pressure (BP) monitor on three different occasions and the average was taken and also a questionnaire was obtained to assess the associated factors and other demographic details. Data were analyzed with the use of SPSS software and results were demonstrated using descriptive tables where Chi-square test and one-way analysis was used.

Result: The prevalence of elevated BP (pre-hypertension and hypertension) as per JNC 7 criteria, among the medical students was 46.7%. There was a significant association of pre-hypertension with the individual risk factor like the family history of diabetes mellitus, diet and stress.

Conclusion: The study shows a significant proportion of individuals with elevated BP at a younger age, associated with risk factors such as family history of diabetes, diet and stress. Elevated BP increases the risk for the development of hypertension during adolescence. Hypertension being a disease of iceberg goes unnoticed leading to chronic disease, therefore identification at the earliest can curb the disease.

Keywords: Pre-hypertension, Adolescents, Prevalence, Hypertension.


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How to Cite

G, T. K., P. K, K. N, P. Kn, and S. A. “EVALUATION OF PREHYPERTENSION, HYPERTENSION AND ITS ASSOCIATED FACTORS AMONG I YEAR MEDICAL STUDENTS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 7, no. 5, Nov. 2014, pp. 32-35, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/2376.



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