
  • Hari Pm
  • Vibina Narayan Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Bharat University


Esophageal rupture or otherwise known as Boerhaave's syndrome is a rare entity, yet the most fatal one. It usually occurs following episodes of heavy
retching or vomiting. The diagnosis is commonly missed or delayed in such cases. Here, we present a unique case of foreign body ingestion in throat
in a 50-year-old man, which he spontaneously expelled by retching, causing a tear in the upper cervical esophagus leading to a cricopharyngeal leak
and pneumomediastinum. This was managed conservatively as the diagnosis was made early before it could get complicated. To the best of our
knowledge, no case has been reported with a tear in the cricopharynx, which is an extremely rare occurrence. The patient has recovered fully and is
on regular follow-up now.

Keywords: Foreign body throat, Cricopharyngeal leak, Pneumomediastinum.


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Author Biography

Vibina Narayan, Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Bharat University

Senior Post graduate in department of Otorhinolarngology


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How to Cite

Pm, H., and V. Narayan. “FOREIGN BODY THROAT COMPLICATING AS CRICOPHARYNGEAL LEAK”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 1-2,



Case Study(s)