
  • Geedhu Daniel PhD scholar Department of Biochemistry Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore-641029 Tamilnadu India
  • Dr. Krishnakumari Shanmugasundaram Guide and Supervisor Associate professor Department of Biochemistry Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore-641029 Tamilnadu India


Quantitative analysis is very essential for identifying the compounds present in the medicinal plants.In the present study laboratory evaluations were made to quantitatively assess primary metabolites and secondary metabolites in aqueous hot extract of Eugenia uniflora leaves.Primary metabolites like total soluble carbohydrates,proteins and secondary metabolites like tannins,alkaloids and flavanoids were estimated using standard procedures.The results obtained from the study provides evidence that aqueous hot extract of Eugenia uniflora leaves contains medically important bioactive compounds and this justifies the use of this plant species as traditional medicine for treatment of various diseases.

Key Words:Phytochemicals,Primary metabolites,Secondary metabolites,Aqueous extract,Eugenia uniflora.


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Author Biographies

Geedhu Daniel, PhD scholar Department of Biochemistry Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore-641029 Tamilnadu India

Department of Biochemistry

Dr. Krishnakumari Shanmugasundaram, Guide and Supervisor Associate professor Department of Biochemistry Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore-641029 Tamilnadu India

Department of Biochemistry


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How to Cite

Daniel, G., and D. K. Shanmugasundaram. “)LEAVES”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 334-8, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/3723.



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