
  • Ngamjit Kasetsuwan Department of Ophthalmology Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University
  • Usanee Reinprayoon Department of Ophthalmology, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand



Objective: The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 0.3% sodium hyaluronate (SH) versus hydroxypropyl-methylcellulose
(HPMC)/dextran in reducing dry eye symptoms, recovering tear film function and enhancing corneal wound healing in patients who underwent
photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) surgery.
Methods: This was a randomized, masked-assessor, controlled, parallel-group and Phase II trial. 24 patients received 1 drop of 0.3% SH or HPMC/
dextran into each eye every 2 hrs during the first month after surgery, then as needed until the day (D) 168. Efficacy and safety criteria were assessed
during six follow-up visits (D1, D3, D7, D28, D84 and D168).
Results: About 0.3% SH caused a greater improvement than control in half of the efficacy criteria, including symptoms intensity and frequency,
comfort of the eye drops, corneal haze, Schirmer I test, fluorescein and rose Bengal staining. At D28 and D84, a statistically significant difference
favoring 0.3% SH was demonstrated for fluorescein corneal staining (p=0.0114 and p=0.0308, respectively). At D3, completed re-epithelization of the
cornea was observed, 98% and 96% in 0.3% SH and control group respectively. The overall results for each of the measures used to assess the safety
indicated that 0.3% SH had an excellent safety profile over 168 days of treatment.
Conclusion: About 0.3% SH is a safe and effective treatment in reducing dry eye and enhancing corneal epithelial wound healing after PRK surgery.

Keywords: Dry eye, Artificial tears, Sodium hyaluronate, Ocular lubricants, Refractive surgery, Photorefractive keratectomy.


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How to Cite

Kasetsuwan, N., and U. Reinprayoon. “A SODIUM HYALURONATE OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION FOR REDUCING DRY EYE AND ENHANCING CORNEAL WOUND HEALING AFTER PHOTOREFRACTIVE KERATECTOMY (PRK)”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 2, Mar. 2015, pp. 226-31, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/4024.



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