
  • Divya S
  • Pratibha Nadig



Objective: The aim was to determine the non-adherence to medication and to assess the factors affecting the same among the Type 2 diabetes
mellitus (DM) patients in a tertiary care hospital in South India.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 150 known Type 2 DM patients. Eight item Morisky Medication adherence questionnaire was
used to assess adherence. A validated questionnaire was used to collect information on factors influencing non-adherence namely age, gender, literacy,
duration of diabetes, complications, economic problems, patient awareness about their medication and side-effects, adverse drug reactions and advice
on exercise and diet. The percentage of non-adherence and factors contributing to non-adherence were analyzed with descriptive statistics and Chisquare
test using IBM SPSS version 21.
Results: More than two-thirds of the patients (69.3%) were males. The overall prevalence of therapeutic non-adherence was seen in
82 patients (54.66%). Among the non-adherant patients, 16 patients (17.08%) were illiterates. 32 patients (39.02%) had economic problems to buy
prescribed medications, 53 (64.63%) of them had lack of information about prescribed medications was seen, 37 (45.12%) patients were not aware
of the side effects of the prescribed medication, 59 (71.95%) patients were not aware of what happens on missing medications regularly, 39 (47.56%)
of them were not able to visit physician regularly for consultation, 52 (63.45%) and 49 (59.75%) of patients were not performing exercise and not
following advise on diet respectively.
Conclusion: Non-adherance to medications in Type 2 DM patients is due to inadequate patient knowledge and awareness about the importance of
adherence in the diabetes management. Therefore, there is a definite need to improve patient adherence by improving the health care system and
health education to patients and their families.
Keywords: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Factors, Non-adherence.



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How to Cite

S, D., and P. Nadig. “FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO NON-ADHERENCE TO MEDICATIONAMONG TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS IN PATIENTS ATTENDING TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL IN SOUTH INDIA”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 2, Mar. 2015, pp. 274-6, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/4818.



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