
  • Jamila Rampurawala
  • Vedamurthy A.B
  • Joy Hoskeri H


Objective: Evaluation of anthelmintic activity of Coffee arabica unbaked bean extracts.

Methods: C. arabica is most commonly found in India and possess major economic value, as is one of the common beverage consumed worldwide. Once ripe, coffee berries are picked, processed ground and brewed to create consumable coffee. During coffee processing, coffee berry pulp was produced as waste which may contain large amount of phytochemicals. Moreover, ripe coffee bean before subjecting to processing and brewing, it contains many potential secondary metabolites with various therapeutic applications. However, these potential molecules are lost during processing. Helminthes infections have devastating impact on humans from the time immemorial. Helminthes are one of the most common infectious agents mainly in developing countries. Pherithema posthuma is a commonly known helminth used as model organism, because of identical physiology with Ascaris. In this connection the anthelmintic property of Coffee arabica bean extracts were evaluated against Pherithema posthuma as an experimental helminthes model. Albendazole was used as the standard reference.

Results: Among the various concentrations of chloroform extract tested, 200 µg/ml showed efficient anthelmintic activity and among all the concentrations of ethanolic extract tested, 200 µg/ml showed significant results. This investigation revealed that chloroform extract of C. arabica proved to be significant anthelmintic activity against Pheretima posthuma when compared aqueous extract, ethanolic extract and the standard drug.

Conclusion: This investigation reports a new potent anthelmintic agent that can be used as a potent drug for the treatment of helminthes infection.

Keywords:  Coffee Arabica; Anthelmintic activity; Pheretima posthuma; Ethanolic extract; Chloroform extract.


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How to Cite

Rampurawala, J., V. A.B, and J. Hoskeri H. “A REPORT ON A POTENT ANTHELMINTIC AGENT - UNBAKED COFFEE ARABICA BEAN EXTRACTS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 6, no. 9, Nov. 2013, pp. 119-21, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/579.


