
  • Pallavi Kawatra M.S Ramaiah Medical College M.S.R.I.T Post-560054 Bangalore Karnataka
  • Cuckoo Aiyappa M.S Rmaiah Medical College M.S.R.I.T Post-560054 Bangalroe, Karnataka India


Probiotics or beneficial microorganisms†have recently acquired the status of blockbusters in the pharmaceutical industry. Despite being commercially
available, little is known about the magnitude to which they can contribute to various disease conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, allergy,
immunity, etc. this review dwells into the various mechanisms of actions of probiotics and summarizes the numerous benefits of these daily used
products, including the recent advances. It also emphasizes on the possible unfavorable consequences, which can result due to their extensive use.
Keywords: Probiotics, Allergy, Immunity, Inflammatory bowel disease.


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Author Biographies

Pallavi Kawatra, M.S Ramaiah Medical College M.S.R.I.T Post-560054 Bangalore Karnataka

Post Graduate

Department of Pharmacology

Cuckoo Aiyappa, M.S Rmaiah Medical College M.S.R.I.T Post-560054 Bangalroe, Karnataka India


Department Of Pharmacology




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Table 2: Functions of probiotics


Microbiological [13]



Increase level of Vitamin B1 and B2[14]


Production of conjugated linoleic acid

Improvement in lipid profile

Competing for the same niche

Competition for the nutrients

Production of toxins

Production of reactive superoxide radicals

Alteration of pH

Enhance GI Transit

Maintain the integrity if the gut barrier

Decrease the exposure of antigens to the immune cells

Fig. 1: Mechanism of action in infectious diarrhoea

Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 8, Issue 4, 2015, 97-100

Kawatra and Aiyappa

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How to Cite

Kawatra, P., and C. Aiyappa. “PROBIOTICS: THE UNDERVALUED CONQUERORS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 4, July 2015, pp. 97-100,



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