
  • VIMALA GOVINDAN PG & Research Department of Zoology, Voorhees College, Vellore, India
  • FRANCIS GRICILDA SHOBA PG & Research Department of Zoology, Voorhees College, Vellore, India



Objectives: This study was undertaken to assess the nutritive value and mineral contents of Ficus benghalensis seed locally prescribed as a diet for
stomach ulcer.
Methods: The nutrients were analyzed by using different biochemical methods while the mineral elements were analyzed by flame photometry and
by using various titration methods.
Results: Mineral element analysis revealed the presence of important macro and micro elements such as P, K, Na, Ca, Fe, Zn, Mg, Mn, Cu and Cr. The
results for ash content, crude protein, crude carbohydrate, crude fat, crude fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin E content were 2.55%, 15.02%, 12.95%,
2.56%, 19.45%, 203.45±1.877 mg/g, 517.65±0.875 mg/g respectively. Nutritional value of F. benghalensis was 134.92±1.250 Cal/100 g.
Conclusion: Our findings provide evidence that the selected plant seeds contain an appreciable amount of nutrients and minerals and can be included
in diets to supplement our daily nutrient needs and to fight against many of the diseases as nutraceuticals.
Keywords: Chemical analysis, Nutraceutical, Ficus benghalensis, Seed powder.


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Author Biographies

VIMALA GOVINDAN, PG & Research Department of Zoology, Voorhees College, Vellore, India

Research Scholar in the Department of Zoology

FRANCIS GRICILDA SHOBA, PG & Research Department of Zoology, Voorhees College, Vellore, India

Associate Professor and Research Supervisor in the Department of Zoology



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Fig. 1: Analysis of various macrominerals content of Ficus benghalensis seed. Values are expressed as mean±standard deviation (n=3)

Fig. 2: Analysis of various microminerals content of Ficus benghalensis seed. Values are expressed as mean±standard deviation (n=3)

Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 8, Issue 4, 2015, 156-159

Govindan and Shoba

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How to Cite

GOVINDAN, V., and F. G. . SHOBA. “DETERMINATION OF NUTRITIVE VALUE AND MINERAL ELEMENTS OF FICUS BENGHALENSIS LINN. SEED”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 4, July 2015, pp. 156-9,



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