
  • Gowri Karthik VELS University
  • Arunkumar Vijayakumar CSIR-CFTRI
  • Sukumaran Natarajapillai VELS University



To analyse the anticancer activity of Syringic acid (SA) in lung carcinoma a549 cell line and investigate the mechanism of Bcl-2 inhibition by molecular docking analysis.


The antiproliferative activity of SA was analysed by MTT assay. Apoptosis ratio of SA treated cells was detected by Acridine orange/Ethidium bromide staining. Nuclear morphology of SA treated cells was assessed by propidium iodode staining method. Molecular docking was done with Bcl-2 by Autodock4v4 of human origin and the interaction was studies using pymol.


Preliminary study with MTT assay revealed that SA had cytotoxicity toward A549 lung cancer cells with an IC50 of 30µM. AO/EB staining and PI staining confirms that there is a significant increase in the percentage of apoptotic cells and nuclei respectively of SA treated cells. Further, molecular docking analysis revealed SA inhibited Bcl-2 with a binding score of –6.54 Kcal forming three Hydrogen bonds.


These findings suggest that Syringic acid has potential therapeutic benefit and promises to be a weapon against lung cancer.


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Author Biographies

Gowri Karthik, VELS University

Department of Biotechnology

Arunkumar Vijayakumar, CSIR-CFTRI

Lipidomics Center

Sukumaran Natarajapillai, VELS University

Depatment of Biotechnology


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How to Cite

Karthik, G., A. Vijayakumar, and S. Natarajapillai. “PRELIMINARY STUDY ON SALUBRIOUS EFFECT OF SYRINGIC ACID ON APOPTOSIS IN HUMAN LUNG CARCINOMA A549 CELLS AND INSILICO ANALYSIS THROUGH DOCKING STUDIES”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2014, pp. 46-49,


