
  • Vinay Purohit Present - Zydus Cadila Past - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, IMS, BHU, SP Medical College, Bikaner


Objective: Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is a widespread problem in all age groups and socioeconomic strata. Cholecalciferol intramuscular (IM)
injections are often prescribed to treat VDD. Response to cholecalciferol injection is not uniform in all subjects.
Methods: We enrolled 65 ostensibly healthy adult volunteers in a vitamin D awareness camp. They were screened for VDD by measuring their
serum 25(OH)D3 level. Of 65 subjects, 58 were found to be deficient, 2 insufficient and 5 sufficient. Their body mass indices (BMI) were calculated
by measuring height and weight. A total of 31 subjects preferred taking single IM injection of cholecalciferol (6 lac IU) to correct their deficiency and
decided to comply with follow-up 25(OH)D3 measurement at day 15, 60 (2 months) and 180 (6 months).
Results: Mean values for 25(OH)D3 in 31 subjects were 12.88±2.55 ng/ml, 29.33±14.40 ng/ml, 47.27±11.09 ng/ml, and 24.59±8.19 ng/ml at baseline,
day 15, 60, and 180. Mean 25(OH)D3 levels at baseline, day 15, 60, and 180 were 12.80±2.40 ng/ml, 24.85±10.60 ng/ml, 44.76±8.85 ng/ml, and 25.05±9.62
in obese†subjects, 13.50±3.06 ng/ml, 28.25±11.45 ng/ml, 44.70±10.40 ng/ml, and 24.48±6.81 in overweight†individuals and 12.43±2.72 ng/ml,
44.06±19.26 ng/ml, 61.16±6.96 ng/ml, and 23.33±5.42 in normal†subjects. Values between groups were found to be significantly different at day 15
and 60 after applying one-way ANOVA.
Conclusion: All subjects, after taking single cholecalciferol IM injection (6 lac IU), had their 25(OH)D3 levels raised to normal within 2 months but
reached insufficient range in 6 months. Though the rise in 25(OH)D3 was significantly faster in those having normal BMI than in the subjects having
higher BMI. One injection of 6 lac IU cholecalciferol, every 6 months seems to be an effective and safe way of treating VDD.
Keywords: Vitamin D, Cholecalciferol injection, Body Mass Index, BMI, 25(OH)D3


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Author Biography

Vinay Purohit, Present - Zydus Cadila Past - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, IMS, BHU, SP Medical College, Bikaner

Pharmaceutical Physician (Medical Advisor), ZydusCadila



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How to Cite

Purohit, V. “EFFECT OF SINGLE INJECTION OF VITAMIN D (CHOLECALCIFEROL, 6 LAC IU) IN ADULTS: DOES BODY MASS INDEX DETERMINE DOSAGE FREQUENCY AND RISE IN SERUM 25(OH)D3 LEVEL?”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 4, July 2015, pp. 192-4, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/6344.



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