Continuous Spinal Anaesthesia- A need for a re-emergence?


  • PARTHASARATHY S Associate professor Mahatma gandhi medical college and research institute puducherry India
  • ANNIE SHEEBA J Assistant professor Mahatma gandhi medical college and research institute puducherry India


Continuous spinal anaesthesia is the technique of producing and maintaining spinal anaesthesia with small doses of local anaesthetic injected intermittently into the subarachnoid space through a catheter. As the injection is intermittently given than continuous, intermittent or fractionated spinal anaesthesia is a more appropriate word than the routinely used continuous spinal anaesthesia. The history starts from 1906 when it was administered first by Dean. There are numerous surgical and obstetric indications for the use of the same apart from chronic pain. The equipment and technique are cumbersome in many instances. The detailed advantages outweigh complications. Still there is a thought block among anaesthesiologists regarding its use. With the resurgence of regional anaesthesia worldwide, the technique may have a re-emergence to be more commonly used in the coming years.


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How to Cite

S, P., and A. SHEEBA J. “Continuous Spinal Anaesthesia- A Need for a Re-Emergence?”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 6, Nov. 2015, pp. 50-52,



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