System of Rice Intensification in empowering self help group people


  • Thatchinamoorthy C Ph.D., Research Scholar Faculty of Agriculture Annamalai University




System of Rice Intensification in empowering self help group people

Thatchinamoorthy, C1


            Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong aware and alert. Women empowerment is about rights and equitable societies. Social and economic empowerment increase women's access to economic resources and opportunities including jobs, financial services, property and other productive assets, skill development and market information. Self-help groups engaged in development activities have the potential to empower their members through the provision of knowledge, skills, motivation, and competencies that underpin sustainable agriculture.  The study was conducted at chellampatti blocks of Madurai district in Tamil Nadu. A sample of thirty system of rice cultivation self help group women farmer from each block was selected by using simple random sampling technique. Socio economic variables such as age, education, annual income, social participation, risk orientation, credit orientation, innovativeness and economic motivation and also study economic and socio-psychological impact. The results indicated that majority of the respondents increased standard of living and get in decision making power, System of rice cultivation through improves the self help group women farmer status in society.



Keywords: Self-help group, System of rice intensification, Women empowerment

1Ph.D., scholar, Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University,, 9698352380.

Author Biography

Thatchinamoorthy C, Ph.D., Research Scholar Faculty of Agriculture Annamalai University

Agricultural Extension



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How to Cite

C, T. (2016). System of Rice Intensification in empowering self help group people. Innovare Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(4), 5–7. Retrieved from



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