
  • SETYO NURWAINI Laboratorium of Pharmaceutical, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 57169, Indonesia
  • LITA ALIANTI Laboratorium of Pharmaceutical, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 57169, Indonesia
  • DHIAH AYU PERMATA SARI Laboratorium of Pharmaceutical, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 57169, Indonesia
  • WAHYU UTAMI Laboratorium of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 57169, Indonesia



Camellia sinensis L, Cream, Sunscreen, Antioxidant


Objective: The purpose of this research was to determine antioxidant activity of green tea leaf extract, the value of sun protection factor (SPF),
physical properties, and stability of green tea cream.
Methods: Green tea leaf extract was obtained by maceration using 96% ethanol. Cream was prepared in three formulas with various concentration
of the green tea leaves extract. The physical evaluations included organoleptic, pH, viscosity, adhesion, spreadability, and stability tests were
done. The determination of the SPF value is calculated using the Mansur equation. Extract of green tea leaf has strong antioxidant activity
(IC50 2.19 μg/ml).
Results: The green tea leaf extract showed high antioxidant activity (2.19 μg/m). All formulas are organoleptically creamy brownish-green to brown,
with a distinctive green tea odor and homogeneous. All formulas met the requirements of physical properties of cream. The creams showed significant
change while they were stored at 4°C and at 40±2°C, but showed no difference when they were stored ad 26°C. SPF values of cream are 0.54; 2.03,
and 2.41, respectively.
Conclusions: It is clearly indicated that the sunscreen cream of green tea leaf extract is potential to be further developed as cosmetic preparations.


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How to Cite

NURWAINI, S., ALIANTI, L., SARI, D. A. P., & UTAMI, W. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF SUNSCREEN PRODUCTS CONTAINING GREEN TEA LEAF EXTRACT. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 13(1), 30–33.



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