
  • S.Gopalakrishnan
  • V.Karthikeyan


Objective: To explore the micro morphology and physio chemical parameters of the leaves of Psidium guajava Linn. (Myrtaceae) – Bangalore variety.

Methods: Macroscopy, microscopy, physicochemical analysis, preliminary phytochemical screening and other WHO recommended parameters for standardizations were performed.

Results: Leaves (5-13cm × 4-5 cm) are dorsiventral, oblong – elliptic, dull grey to yellow green with entire margin, obtuse to bluntly acuminate apex and rounded to subcuneate base with short petiole. Microscopic evaluation revealed the presence of paracytic stomata, three layers of wide rectangular cells, conical and flagellate trichomes, fragment of palisade mesophyll and parenchymal cells.

Vein islet numbers, vein termination numbers, stomatal number, stomatal index and other physico chemical tests like ash values, loss on drying, extractive values were determined. Preliminary phytochemical screening showed the presence of sterols, tannins, proteins and aminoacids, flavonoids, volatile oil, terpenoids, saponin, carbohydrates and absence of alkaloids, mucilage, glycosides, fixed oil.

Conclusion: Microscopic analysis was informative and provides useful information in the botanical identification, standardization for purity & quality and immense value in authentication of the leaf. 

Author Biography


dept of pharmacognosy


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How to Cite

K.Periyanayagam, S.Gopalakrishnan, & V.Karthikeyan. (2013). EVALUATION OF PHARMACOGNOSTICAL AND PHYTOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE LEAVES OF PSIDIUM GUAJAVA LINN- BANGALORE VARIETY. Innovare Journal Health Sciences, 1(2), 18–21. Retrieved from https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijhs/article/view/398