
  • Souad E. El-gengaihi Medicinal& Aromatic Plants Dept
  • Manal A Hamed
  • Doha H. Aboubaker
  • Abdel-tawab H. Mossa


Objective: This work was designed to investigate the activity of Beta vulgaris (B. vulgaris) extract against hepatotoxicity induced by (carbon tetrachloride) CC14 in male rats.

Methods: Hepatoprotective study was performed on rats, divided into different groups; control healthy rats, the group received B. vulgaris extract, intoxicated rats by CC14, CCl4 group treated with alcoholic leaves extract, and CCl4 intoxicated rats treated with silymarin. The evaluation was done through measuring liver function indices and oxidative stress markers.

Results: The activities of Alanine Transferase (ALT), Aspartate Transferase (AST), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) increased by 187.07, 52.37, 50.58, and 94.59% respectively in CCl4 group from control. Supplementation of beet extract decreased this elevation to 10.83, 26.43, 17.07 and 37.21% for the previous parameters respectively. The values obtained of the enzymes activity return nearly to that of control values, also a histopathological investigation of liver confirmed the results obtained.

Conclusion: Beet showed a remarkable anti-hepatotoxic activity against CC14 induced hepatic damage

Keywords: B. vulgaris, Hepatoprotective, Flavonoids, Liver function, Antioxidant enzyme, Histopathology


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How to Cite

El-gengaihi, S. E., M. A. Hamed, D. H. Aboubaker, and A.- tawab H. Mossa. “FLAVONOIDS FROM SUGAR BEET LEAVES AS HEPATOPROTECTIVE AGENT”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 4, Apr. 2016, pp. 281-6, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/10121.



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