
  • Sachinkumar R. Patil
  • Rahul Shivaji Patil Department of Microbiology and 3Department of Chemistry, Dr. Ghali College, Gadhinglaj-416502 (M.S.), India
  • A. G. Godghate


Objective: There is an immense need to develop an alternative antimicrobial source for the treatment of several infectious diseases and restrict its vectors. So, evaluation of phytochemicals from Mentha piperita, its antibacterial and adulticidal potential was undertaken in the present study.

Methods: The organic solvent of ethanol and water were used for the preparation of extract for the study. These extracts were analyzed for the qualitative and quantitative phytochemicals. Antimicrobial activity was determined by using agar well diffusion method, and Bioassay was carried out by "Sugar Bait" Method to check adulticidal potential.

Results: The Mentha piperita were found a rich source of phytochemical compounds like diterpenes, steroids, tannin, flavonoids, cardial glycosides, alkaloids, phenols, coumarin, and saponin. Both the extracts possesses active antibacterial compounds which shown antibacterial activity. The aqueous (5% of 50 µl) and ethanolic (5% of 100 µl) extract (EA) were found as effective concentration. Salmonella typhimurium showed resistance against both the extracts. The aqueous extract (AE) has found with effective adulticidal potential. Hence it can be used to control and repel most popular disease spreading Dipterian vector, Musca domestica.

Conclusion: These results confirm the presence of antibacterial, adulticidal compounds in Mentha piperita which gives an opportunity to explore the possible usage of Mentha piperita in the development of antibiotics and insecticides.

Keywords: Mentha piperita L., Phytochemical analysis, Antibacterial, Adulticidal potential


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How to Cite

Patil, S. R., R. S. Patil, and A. G. Godghate. “MENTHA PIPERITA LINN: PHYTOCHEMICAL, ANTIBACTERIAL AND DIPTERIAN ADULTICIDAL APPROACH”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 3, Mar. 2016, pp. 352-5,



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