
  • Sapna Saini Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak 124001. Haryana. India
  • Anju Dhiman
  • Sanju Nanda


Epidermis, Mesophyll cells, Microscopy, Piperaceae, Piper betle, Standardization


Objective: The present work has been done to establish various pharmacognostical, physicochemical and phytochemical parameters of the leaf of Piper betle Linn. (Bangla variety) belonging to family Piperaceae. This could serve as a measure of authentication and quality control of the crude drug.

Methods: Organoleptic, anatomical, microscopic, physicochemical analysis and preliminary phytochemical investigation of leaves were performed. Petroleum ether (40-60 °C), chloroform, ethanolic and aqueous extracts of P. betle dried leaves powder were prepared by using continuous hot percolation technique for phytochemical screening.

Results: Presence of cyclocytic stomata and abundant secretory cells in mesophyll cells are main diagnostic characters of the leaf. Various physicochemical parameters like ash values and extractive values were determined. Phytochemical investigation of an ethanolic and aqueous extract of leaves showed the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, phytosterols, saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, volatile oil, tannins and phenols. However, petroleum ether and chloroform extract of leaves showed positive tests only for phytosterols and alkaloids.

Conclusion: Study of various macroscopic, histological characters and physicochemical constants can serve as a rapid, effective, inexpensive method for identification and standardization of P. betle Linn leaves. the qualitative phytochemical investigation revealed ethanolic and aqueous extract of leaf contained a large number of plant secondary metabolites, which are of great therapeutic value. Therefore, aqueous and ethanolic extracts of P. betle Linn. leaves of Bangla variety can be used for isolating useful secondary plant metabolites for future drug discovery purpose.

Keywords: Epidermis, Mesophyll cells, Microscopy, Piperaceae, Piper betle, Standardization



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How to Cite

Saini, S., A. Dhiman, and S. Nanda. “PHARMACOGNOSTICAL AND PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDIES OF PIPER BETLE LINN LEAF”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 5, May 2016, pp. 222-6,



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