
  • Said-al Ahl Hah Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Researches Department, National Research Centre, 33 El-Bohouth St., (former El- Tahrir St.,) Dokki, Giza, Egypt
  • Omer Ea


dill, cultivars, essential oil, chemotype, carvone, limonene, dillapiole, piperitone


Objective: The objective of this research was to evaluate the essential oil content and composition of the eight dill cultivars under Egypt conditions.

Methods: A two years field experiment was conducted on eight dill cultivars in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 seasons. The volatile oil content of the eight dill cultivars was studied at fruiting stage. Extracted volatile oil by water distillation was analyzed with GC-MS.

Results: Essential oil % of the eight dill cultivars under study was varied from 1.93-3.26%. Anethum graveolens cv. Common was the highest in essential oil followed by cv. Local, cv. Compatto, cv. Bouquet, cv. Elephant cv. Vierling, cv. Tetra and then cv. Dukat which gave the lowest in essential oil content. From the results of GC/MS obtained for the eight seeds dill cultivars, two chemotypes were found. The seven European cultivars that belong to type 1 contained limonene (9.60–18.0%), carvone (81.35–89.98%), whereas the Local cultivar belongs to type 2 (cv. Local) contains limonene (18.81%), carvone (56.61%), dillapiole (15.71%) and piperitone (7.41%). No dillapiole and piperitone were found in the essential oil of the first type cultivars (European cultivars).

Conclusion: The results obtained in this research work clearly indicated superiority of European cultivar (Common) to all cultivars on volatile oil content. Also all European cultivars were best in the volatile oil quality. European cultivars contain the highest percentage of carvone and were free from dillapiol and piperitone.

Keywords: Dill, Cultivar (cv.), Essential oil, Chemotype, Carvone, Limonene, Dillapiole, Piperitone


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How to Cite

Hah, S.- al A., and O. Ea. “ESSENTIAL OIL CONTENT AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF EIGHT DILL (ANETHUM GRAVEOLENS L.) CULTIVARS CULTIVATED UNDER EGYPTIAN CONDITIONS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 5, May 2016, pp. 227-31,



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